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 As my younger Brother headed to Charlotte, NC yesterday to work as an Obama campaign volunteer, many thoughts entertained my mind. At one point during the day, I just sat in a dimly lit room and allowed my thoughts to wonder. I know my younger Brother like the palm of my hand, but I wondered about the lives of the other volunteers.

Then, my mind wondered back into the middle of the 20th century. Every person of Color (even those of you on the wrong side of History) owes their right to register people to vote, or vote themselves, to faceless, nameless, and thankless Field Negros. These Negros were not eloquent speakers. They didn't receive fame, glory, or thanks from newspapers, or the media. They were even looked at by many Negros as being "trouble makers" for "good" Negros who "knew where their place was." One such Field Negro is the Honorable Medgar W Evers, the "Forgotten Soldier."

Before honoring this forgotten soldier, it's nice to reflect upon why he's deserving of honor. For starters, he stood tall and proud, out in the open, while cowardly House Negros living in comfort worried about making the "good white folk" become bad people. In their "minds", being a good nigger, over time, would heal the Christian white man's heart. In other words, the Christian white man's benevolence was something to be earned.

Medgar Evers knew better (as all other Field Negros did). POWER IS NEVER GIVEN AWAY BY THOSE WHO POSSESS IT; IT MUST BE TAKEN "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY." Before stepping into the voting booths tommorow, every person of Color should dedicate a short moment of silence to our forgotten brother, who faced more than hateful faces and name calling. He realized that we must live free, or die. Our brother died when a cowardly white boy named Byron De La Beckworth shot Medgar W Evers in the back with a high-powered rifle. Our brother died, and paid the ultimate sacrifice, so that we may live.

Now, a quick comment about the voting vs. non-voting Negro.

First, I'll leave the Negros of the Ghetto out of this equation for personal reasons. However, abled bodied Negros can be subdivided into three main groups. Ones who did, or did not register to vote. Then, the Negros who did register to vote can be subdivided into those who will or WILL NOT actually vote in tommorow's election.

Well, my commentary about the able bodied House Negro who isn't voting isn't kind. When you sit up on your lazy Black behinds tommorow, each and every one of you might as well be spitting upon brother Medgar Evers grave. Because of soul deficient gutter snipes like you, Field Negros such as myself carry crosses that we don't want to carry, but ones that we must.

I would LOVE to walk off into the sunset, living a life of luxury. However, as the good book says, "Is is worth it for a man to gain the whole World, and lose his soul?" No. The devils will never own my soul. I'd rather my eventual fate be that of Medgar Evers than that of Mr. Bob Johnson, if I had to choose. EVERY RIGHT OR MATERIAL POSSESSION NEGROS HAVE HAS BEEN PAID FOR WITH BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, MISERY, DEPRESSION, PRAYER, AND HOPE.

Hope for what? CHANGE.

So you lazy House Negros can buy a one way ticket to hell as far as I'm concerned. Your cowardice and foolish ways don't contribute to progress, so what use are any of you to Negro America? You'll eat at Burger King three, four, and five times a week, go to the movies every Saturday, and whoop and holler in church every Sunday, but you can't find the time to get off of your grease-monkey ass to vote in a Historic election? You'll buy a car that's three times the size you really need, and three times the cost you can afford, yet you can't honor Medgar W. Evers life sacrifice to you? If you have ANY dignity, henceforth and forevermore, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM COMPLAINING ABOUT ANYTHING.

Can government solve all of anyone's problems? No. I've stated a thousand times that I'm not a pro-government person. How could any Negro know anything about the Tuskegee experiment and be pro-government. I don't pledge allegance to a Goddamn thing but freedom!

Now, there are the Negros who are registered to vote tommorow. The ultimate question for us to ask is whether the Spirit of our Field Negro Ancestors truly lives in us. Or, are we just really House Negros who registered to vote because some celebrity told us to do so? Do we realize how special it is to be a Negro, or is the honor of wearing this uniform of pride lost upon us?

As a first-time voter, I'll go to bed tommorow night knowing that I didn't spit on brother Evers' grave. I POLISHED THAT MUTHERF*CKER ON BEHALF OF BARACK OBAMA.

Peace and love to all who join me in this effort.

George Malik Abdul-Mahdi

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55