29 Oct How to Write and Post a Show Biz Resume

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Greetings Family,
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It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again...smile

Below is a great article I first posted in Nov of 06. I'm reposting it this morning because after recruiting 30,000 models and entertainers as friends on MySpace, BlackPlanet, FaceBook, and Ning....I still see the same mistakes.

I have been reviewing and observing the level of professionalism and experience in this online community of Black models and entertainers. Some of you have it all together, and others are still learning. So if the shoe fits...Wear It! If not, then this article will only confirm that you're doing all the right things.

The article is a long one, so I've edited it down and just taken excerpts out the paragraphs/content that I thought might be relevant to this group. You should read the full article (see link below), to get a feel for some of the more common mistakes, that people make in responding to online job opportunities.

I picked this story up, off a good Yahoogroup full of experienced Black music and film professionals...BlackEntertainmentProfessionals. The GigDirectory.net is also a good website to pick up on industry happenings and job opportunities. I recommend that you add it to your favorites (smile) If you decide to join the BlackEntertainmentProfesssionals@yahoogroups, tell them heard about the group, in The City Lights Reporter.

Remember, We Must Share The Knowledge (Network)... To Share The Dollars!!!

Peace and Gods Blessings,

Jim Neusom


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----Original Message----
Date: 4 Apr 2006 21:49:58 -0000
From: BlackEntertainmentProfesssionals@yahoogroups.com
To: Jim Neusom
Subject: [BlackEntertainmentProfesssionals] Digest Number 1072

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 15:07:37 -0700
From: gig@gigslist.org
Subject: How to Write and Post a Show Biz Resume Online.

How to Write and Post a Show Biz Resume Online.
Details of a Show Biz Recruiter's Living Hell and her Dreams of a Better Future.
By Deborah Paulino
Managing editor of an entertainment employment resource and resume library.

I've been reading and moderating show biz resumes online for 7 years, for all mediums and genres. Every year I write and broadcast an article about this subject. Not because I have nothing industry else to write about, but because people post the most stupid things in show biz resume libraries and it drives show biz employers and me crazy. And it is not getting any better, dammit!

I'm not joking. Some budding bright sparks just write "I am the best" or "Make me a star" or "I am looking or a job" or "I have experience"; not even enough words for a half decent classified ad. One person sent me a death threat after I asked them to repost a professional resume with more detail.


So what do show biz employers want to see?

Show biz employers are just the same as nine to five employers, they want to see a professional resume custom written for their opportunity job/role/position/exposure/funding they are offering and which you are applying for. They want to see you have thought about their opportunity and industry and that you've take time to write skill set keywords, credits, work experience, summary description relating to that opportunity. It always pays to advertise, never be shy about self promotion but always keep it business like, to the point, and truthful.

First up is preparation and investment: Materials and text for your resume and profile, and basic equipment for running and promoting your business. This is an investment in your business, just like costumes, a car, cell phone, or recording equipment.

1# Get a set of professional head/promo photos done. Three quarter view works better online: Yourself on set, on stage, at the boards, in the rigging, with your instrument or camera, or of your designs or logo. A picture tells a thousand words so look your best at what you do best. You need digital on cd as well as high quality prints and transparencies for reproduction.

2# Use the image edit program on your computer to resize your images for the web. You need digital images no more than 200w by 400h pixels, and no more than 64 k in memory size so they load fast. Employers don't wait for big images to download, they simply click onto the next resume.

3# Pick an industry and skill set you are most experienced with and write a paragraph about it and how you feel/think about your work and role in it. Keep it all truthful and as succinct as possible, aka short and to the point.

4# Pick out keywords that describe your actual skills and work experience set. e.g.. Set builder might be: rigging, welding, carpentry, scenic painting. Actress might be: character, improv, voice over, singing, dancing. Event manager: budgeting, site planning, bookings, production management

5# Write a list of your credits, productions/projects you have worked on and your job in 2 or 3 words. For music artists this might be major artists you have opened for or recorded with and the better albums and shows you've played.

6# Get a web site and your own domain name, just start with 3 pages, don't bother with the free stuff with it's banner advertising. Hosting your own web site is as little as $5 per month and gives you a professional virtual reception area, brochure, mailing list collector and newsletter publisher. It also lets prospective clients see you are professional and care about details.

7# Make sure your best mp3's, videos, and photos are on your web site, not everything, just 3 or 4 of the best to start.

8# If you have testimonials from professionals who have worked with you include them on your web site.

9# Invest in a wireless web laptop and printer, a new one with at least a 2 year warranty, and sign on to a broad band service. It is tax deductible as it is a part of your business. It will also help you get your promote out and receive responses a lot more efficiently and on the move. Doesn't have to be top shelf, a reliable student model will do, and they all come with basic image editing and word processing programs already installed.

10# Make sure your email, web site, mp3's, reels, demos, cd's, photos, phone number, fax, cell, voice mail, all forms of contact work and you can access them correctly. Sit down with your email account for a couple of hours and teach yourself how to use it, do the same with your cell phone and palm device.

11# Research a list of industry only web sites that have resume libraries and production directories. Gigdirectory.net has an updated list of over 100 listed in it's employment library.

Now you are ready to write your resume... Write the components of your resume in the following order for easier employer attention grabbing:

1 Title: What you do.
2 Skills: Skill set keywords. (employers look for these first)
3 Summary: Paragraph about your work.
4 Credits: Work experience.
5 PortFolio: Links to your web sites, mp3's, reels etc.
6 Contacts: Name, phone, email, post mail, best times to call etc.
Don't forget to spell check.


You think this is long winded and involved for a tip sheet on resumes? I challenge you! Complete everything listed in this article and then consider your opinion. If you don't complete everything in these lists for reasons other than act's of god then maybe you are not serious and focused enough for a paid show biz gig. If you do complete the list, then that is just the start of refining it and getting your business and career to the next level.

don't stop promoting yourself, you've only just begun


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55