23 Oct Why Women?

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Greetings Family,
(Contact Information At The Bottom Of The Page)

It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again...smile

Often I'm asked....Why are there so many women signed up as your online friends and subscribers?

Because as a businessmen and promoter....I target them. I promote and sell Black culture...essentially in the form of pretty pictures. My company City Lights Software represents some of the top Black fine artists in the country. Now it don't take a brain surgeon to know who is the primary purchaser of art...Women!

As a businessmen, I did my homework and researched the demographics of my target market. Women's use of the Net, and their online presence is huge!. In its "2007 U.S. Internet Year in Review," ComScore named women's community as the second-fastest growing category for the year, behind politics (see http://www.comscore.com/press/release.asp?press=2043). Remove the obvious influence of the elections, and women become the number one online growth sector. ComScore also reports online women now outnumber men online in the United States.

A June 2007 Burst Media study (see http://www.burstmedia.com/assets/newsletter/items/2007_06_01.pdf) says the Web, primarily due to content, convenience, and community, has become an "indispensable component of women's daily lives." In fact, according to the study: Over one-half (54.5%) of women say the Internet is their primary source of information when researching products they might purchase. The Burst study also found that one of every two women have shopped online in the past six months.


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Now we all know that women are the gatekeepers of our society. Where women are....men follow. What women want...men buy. I can go on and on...especially when it comes to Black women. By any measure (educational, entrepreneurial, disposable income) , women are the target consumers of most business. They control the purse strings and influence the direction of the family.

It's no wonder that ComScore reports the most heavily used free online services by women include (in descending order) e-mail, yellow pages/local business directories, online coupons, incentive/reward programs, news/information sites, and instant messaging. As to be expected, women definitely gravitate to community, product review, and health information sites.

According to Forrester's "Marketing on Social Networking Sites" report (see http://www.forrester.com/Research/Document/Excerpt/0,7211,41662,00.html), men just edge out women in terms of daily social networking site usage (52.8 percent male), but most of the women-focused ad networks would tell you that many of their successful properties consist of female-focused blogs, community sites, and women's content sites.

I've found the above trends/statistics to be true in my online travels. Currently, between MySpace, BlackPlanet, Ning and other socal networking site, I've managed to attract over 30,000 women as friends and subscribers. On Yahoogroups alone, I belong to over 100 Black modeling groups, each with an average membership of over 500 women. With just a couple of clicks of my mouse, I can market my screen saver products to all most 100,000 women. I have found women to be a very loyal, supportive and lucrative market.

Whether you are writing a business plan, feasibility study, advertising and marketing campaign, or even still deciding on what kind of business to start...start by looking at what is already happening in the field or industry you are interested in. Business trends and statistics can give you a quick, overall glance at the viability of an industry. Statistics are not magic formulas for success, but they can give you important clues about where markets are heading.

I know in my case, I studied the market, decided who was the best potential customer, and then went after them....do you know who your target market is? Maybe you need to look at women.

Remember, We Must Share The Knowledge (Network)... To Share The Dollars!!!


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55