16 Oct Obama vs. McCain -- 19 days to go. Running to the finish line.

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Usain BoltVery much like Usain Bolt, who broke two world recods at the recent Olympics, we must run all the way to the finish line to ecure this victory for Barack Obama.  Unlike the primaries, where there were many contests to build a commanding lead, this comes down to one race to the finish -- Winner take all. 

I went to the Obama Campaign Office today and volunteered to help get out the vote in Columbus, Ohio. 

I committed to make phone calls to people in this urban community, even though I live in a suburban community.  I joined others who are making hundreds of phone calls to encourage people to support Obama, and vote.  More volunteers are still needed to get out the vote.

Over the course of the next 19 days, we will make thousands of calls, and transport many voters to their voting locations.  Even though the opinion polls suggest that Obama is building a commanding lead, we must carry on this urgent appeal to voters right up to election day.  Any support that you can give will get us one step closer to the victory, but we need our best effort all the way to the finish line.

It is not too late to volunteer your support.  Click here to find the volunteer opportunities in your community.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55