09 Oct Got Milk? That's What You Think...

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(*Publisher's Note: This post was inspired by a message I heard by Dr. Alim Abdul Muhammad on Sunday, October 5, 2008. Dr. Muhammad has operated the Abundant Life Clinic in Washington, D.C. since 1986. Visit his site at http://www.abundantlifeclinic.org. Look for future posts to notify you once the DVD is available for this lecture as well as his upcoming publication entitled, "The Problem Is Nutrition.")

Don't you just love the "Got Milk?" ads featuring gorgeous celebrities donning milk mustaches? These ads recommend drinking milk daily and many have done so in the quest to emulate the images projected by these personalities. Milk has been touted as the cure-all for strong bones and teeth, postponing osteoporosis, and even cancer prevention. I am sure that this campaign has done much to boost sales in the dairy industry. It has also been helpful in teaching the general public about one aspect of nutrition. The only problem is that the milk readily available on the market cannot provide the many benefits of drinking it. Why? Milk and dairy products are pasteurized and/or homogenized. In other words, everything good has been removed.


To pasteurize means "to sterilize a substance by heat or radiation." (Webster 1997) According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, "Raw milk is an outstanding source of nutrients including beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidolphilus, vitamins and enzmes, and it is, in my estimation, the finest source of calcium available.

"The pasteurization process, which entails heating the milk to a temperature of 145 degrees to 150 degrees F and keeping it there for at least half an hour and then reducing the temperature to not more than 55 degrees F, completely changes the structure of the milk proteins (denaturization) into something far less than healthy. While the process certainly destroys germs and bad bacteria, it also destroys the milk's beneficial bacteria along with many of its nutritious components.

"Pasteurizing milk destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria and promotes pathogens. You may notice that raw milk left out will sour naturally but pasteurized milk will rot. This is because the beneficial bacteria in the raw milk helps to keep putrefactive bacteria under control. Pasteurized milk, however, does not have any of the beneficial bacteria left to keep it from rotting.

"Then, of course there is the issue of the antibiotics, pesticides and growth hormones and the fact that nearly all commercial dairy cows are raised on grains, not grass, like they were designed to. This will change the composition of the fats in the milk, especially the CLA content.

"Pasteurized cow's milk is the number one allergic food in this country. It has been associated with a number of symptoms and illnesses including:

* Diarrhea
* Cramps
* Bloating
* Gas
* Gastrointestinal bleeding
* Iron-deficiency anemia
* Skin rashes
* Allergies
* Colic in infants
* Osteoporosis
* Increased tooth decay
* Arthritis
* Increased tooth decay
* Growth problems in children
* Heart disease
* Cancer
* Atherosclerosis
* Acne
* Recurrent ear infections in children
* Type 1 diabetes
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Infertility
* Leukemia
* Autism

"Raw milk, on the other hand, is not associated with any of these problems, and even people who have been allergic to pasteurized milk for many years can typically tolerate and even thrive on raw milk.

"Raw milk is truly one of the most profoundly healthy foods you can consume, and you'll feel the difference once you start to drink it." (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/04/24/raw-milk.aspx)

Find a raw milk cooperative near you: www.realmilk.com

If you reside in the Houston area, I recommend 45 Farms:
Alvin: 45 Farms, 5825 County Road 182, Alvin, Texas 77511. kelvin119@sbcglobal.net . (713) 261-6409, 30 minutes south of Houston. Sells raw milk from a family herd of grass-fed Jersey cows and eggs from free roaming chickens NO anitbotics or hormones are used. They plan to add cheese.

Read more about the benefits of raw milk at http://journeysfit.com/articles.html

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55