08 Sep Networking Tip #2

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Tip #2) The Follow up

O.k. it has been three to five days since your initial contact and you have not heard from the person. Don't get discouraged and don't give up on the possible relationship. Maybe they are on vacation or reserve their networking time for the weekend. It could be a thousand reasons.

So what you want to do now is to pull out that note book or file folder of your contacts with the notes you kept from tip #1. You want to look for something that you both have an interest in and contact them about it with a question. Remember that in the process of getting acquainted there are lots of questions.

For instance if a person has a Pomeranian dog for a pet because you saw it in their profile page and you have one two, ask a question that will help you some way with your pet. People love to feel as if they are an authority on something. The point is to ask for help on something that you have in common that is not business related.

Another example: Let's say the person that you contacted is a sketch artist. Ask for advice on how to develop the skills of a child in your family who also shows great ability in sketching or what supplies should be your initial investment for this family member. Now what this does is shows your respect for this person as an authority and it opens up the door for dialogue with a question not a statement.

To be an effective networker you have to try to understand a little bit about human nature. People like giving their advice more than they like accepting the advice of others. So let them drive a while to develop the relationship. So try that approach for those who have not yet responded. This way you are not pushy and you demonstrate that building a relationship is what you would like to do and you also respect what they do.

Now for those who have responded with "yes lets get better acquainted!" Usually they'll start by telling you all about what they do and not who they are. Don't you make that mistake when it's you who are replying to a friendship or acquaintance request. Let them tell you all about what they do. Then you reply with who you are and what you do. After you have introduced yourself close by mentioning something from your notes about them that you found to be in common. Be sure to ask a question about something that they may be an authority on.

Stay tuned for tip # 3 some people like to call it Closing but I call it Developing the business part of your relationship.

Derrick Henry

Black Businss Builders Club

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55