04 Sep Entertainment Industry, Diversity Programs And Fellowships,

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As the Executive Producer of Fresh Faces2u, one of my primary missions is to expose new talent to the entertainment industry. This is why a majority of my readers, subscribers, and friends are involved in the entertainment industry.

I'm a strong advocate of traditional education, such as a degree from a top rated college, but I realize that college is not for everyone. Therefore as a technologist, I'm always promoting the advantages of the Internet, as a tool for personal empowerment and expanding opportunities.

So for those that can't partake of a formal education, the Internet provides a wealth of information, programs, and possibilities for you take advantage of. All you have to do is look...

Below is just a small example of the jewels of knowledge that exist in this treasure chest of information, we call the Internet.

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Entertainment Industry, Diversity Programs And Fellowships,


Cosby Writing Fellowship:

Established by Drs. Bill and Camille Cosby in 1993, at the USC School of Cinematic Arts. The fifteen-week intensive workshop was designed with a two-fold purpose: To assist writers in the completion of a film or television script and to deepen the participants appreciation for and comprehension of African American history and culture.

Disney Writing Fellowship

Begun in 1990 in partnership with the Writers Guild of America, west, this has become one of the industry's best known and most respected writing fellowships. Fellows receive a weekly salary for a one-year period (currently amounting to $50,000/year plus benefits). The program is an intensive, hands-on experience that involves workshops, seminars and mentorships with creative executives from ABC, ABC Television Studio, Disney Channel, ABC Family, Lifetime and Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group.

Fox Diversity Program

The Fox Entertainment Group again invite submission of original television pilot scripts in the multi-camera comedy, single-camera comedy, animated and drama formats. Writers selected this year will be invited to attend a six week session at Writer's Boot Camp and subsequent consultation with WBC mentors during which their scripts will be rewritten and improved. The goal is to achieve scripts at a level of professional execution that may be submitted to Fox programming executives.

CBS Television Program

This program links aspiring writers with mentors from the ranks of CBS Network and CBS Paramount Studio executives. Also, writers are mentored by producer mentors from series airing on CBS. Additionally, there are weekly sessions with successful writers, producers and show runners examining in very specific and practical terms many aspects of the experience of being a television writer in Hollywood.

the Nickelodeon Writers' Program

Developed to broaden Nickelodeon's outreach efforts, the Nickelodeon Writing Fellowship is designed to attract, develop and staff writers with diverse backgrounds and experiences on Nickelodeon Network productions. Operating in a three-phased structure, the Fellowship provides a salaried position for up to one year and offers hands-on experience writing spec scripts and pitching story ideas in both live action and animation television.

Warner Brothers Comedy and Drama Writing Program

For over 30 years, Warner Bros. TV has committed to fostering new talent and providing opportunity for aspiring television writers. The Writers Workshop is the premier writing program for new writers looking to start and further their writing career. The Workshop teaches every aspect of spec script writing and features exposure to Warner Bros. TV's top television writers and executives, all with the goal of staffing graduates on a Warner Bros. TV show.

NBC Diversity Initiative for Writers

NBC is proud of the existing diversity of the writers who pen its Primetime Series. In order to further encourage diversity among our writers, NBC provides funding for a minority staff writer position for all scripted NBC Primetime Series. These positions are filled with writers selected and hired by the showrunner/producers of each show, with the guidance of the network and studio(s). Scripts are accepted year-round for screening, however, positions are generally filled during the March - June staffing season.


**Editors Note**
(The WGA site below is one of the best list of online resources I know)

The Writers Guild of America

The WGAW's Diversity department works with producers, studio and network executives, and writers to increase employment opportunities and to develop access/talent development programs and also hosts events, panels, and seminars to promote a more positive image of historically underemployed writers, to increase the industry's awareness of the unique obstacles often faced by these writers, and to encourage positive change in hiring practices.


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55