23 Aug Everything As Thought

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Everything begins with thought. That thought is intention waiting to be realized.  Thoughts do not gain material existence without action. Yes, they exist immaterially, but for us to touch them, taste them, smell them and experience them, action must take place. Equally, anything that materially exists can be said to exist only from thought.  The thought of the All. Therefore, it seems reasonable to believe that certain material realities can be reversed through the same process that created them.

We are in a society that has brought into existence through thought and intention things that clearly do not serve our higher existence, which is spirit and positive intention. Some of these things that have come into being are governments, money, death and the notion of ownership.  Some of these things, also, are not thoughts from within the realm of our known universe, but thoughts made manifest from other places in the universe that we believe could not possibly exist.

But logic dictates that if we exist, an existence we still cannot explain, then other things could reasonably, and most likely, exist as well.  This existence could also precede ours by cycles in time we have yet to fathom.  We assume that our limitations of observation extend and permeate the unknown universe—and affect other potential life forms as it affects us. But that would mean we believe ourselves to be the center of the universe and far more intelligent than reality might show. And given that we cannot even explain our origins, this immediately dismisses the notion that we are alone in the observable vastness .  A vastness we monitor with our primitive methodologies we imagine are not primitive at all.  For all we know, we are the amoeba of the universe, with species that have gone millions of steps ahead in the process of existence.

We are being held back by the thoughts we’ve made manifest, believing that they are the most productive way to advance our existence. But clearly we see from how history has unfolded over the last 3,500 years that something isn’t quite right. Our existence as a collective is in jeopardy.  The manifest thoughts we believe are productive simply are not. They are costing the lives of many around the globe and hindering our ability to know more about our world, the planets that surround us and other possible worlds.

Look back into times before us, times and continents where the things we now believe are the only way to live, did not exist. Even on many continents, amongst many groups, these ideas of government, money, et al still do not exist. And these peoples live without much of the problems that plague so called civilized and advanced societies that are swallowed up in endless wars.

I would argue that there has been no advancement of human kind, but rather, a degeneration of our species from a far more productive thought creation.  I argue that technological advancement does not translate into spiritual and intellectual advancement. Yet, it seems that many equate their cell phone, television and computer with a higher order of thinking and being.  Even as technology increases, our ability to get along decreases. Our current technology has not proved to be of any valuble use to the human psyche as far as connecting us spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Technology has its place and has aided in many ways. But it faulters in allowing us to better communicate. Some would argue that there was a time when we could not reach someone within seconds, as we do with email and telephones, therefore, we are in a state of better communication. But this can only be true if we define communication as faster communication. I would define communication as the ability to share ideas and come to an understanding that does not require a world war, starvation, murder and the denial of an entity’s right to exist upon this planet free from interferance by other entities who believe themselves superior and owners of this world.

In the end, it is only through the process of thought and a reversal of the currently ineffective manifested thoughts that we can affect real change in our world.  This is the only real communication that should take place. It is the egregore we must build.

All we are is thought.  All we can become is thought. We need only believe it, and begin to manifest it.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55