23 Aug Jim Neusom on WJOL radio - Marilyn's Cafe Society

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Greetings Family,
(Contact Information At The Bottom Of The Page)

It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again...smile

Let me take the time to invite all my friends and supporters to join me on Marilyn's Cafe Society this afternoon at 1:20 p.m. (CDT)/11:20 (PST) on WJOL 1340 AM radio.

Marilyn's Cafe Society (www.marilynscafesociety.com) radio show is in its fourth year of broadcasting in the Chicago area and is in its first year streaming live via the internet at www.wjol.com. It's a weekly 2 hour radio talk show that airs Saturdays from 12:05 p.m. (noon) to 2 p.m. (CDT). 

The topic this afternoon will be on How To Read eMail Headers. How many times have you received an email from yourself...that you didn't send! We will be discussing how to protect yourself from Spoofing and Phishing scams.

The email header is the information that travels with every email, containing details about the sender, route and receiver. It is like a flight ticket: it can tell you who booked it (who sent the email), the departure information (when the email was sent), the route (from where it was sent and how did it arrive to you) and arrival details (who is the receiver and when it was received).

Marilyn May has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of communications and is a dynamic and entertaining radio host. After speaking with Marilyn last night, let me assure you that this is going to be a fun filled and enlightening interview.

Marilyn has been hosting Marilyn's Cafe Society since the spring of 2005 and is very grounded in the issues and concerns of the South side Chicago community. I first met Marilyn in a Yahoogroup I moderate, Black Filmmakers and Crew (http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/blackfilmmakersandcrew/). She is good people and very down to earth.

Join us this afternoon and make sure you call in or email, to show your support for Black radio. Remember, We Must Share The Knowledge (Network)... To Share The Dollars!!!


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55