20 Aug the romance that I want

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 My dear, the romance that I want is not the effete and sentimental writings in general
The romance that I want is very simple
Parting one kiss can make a warm one day such as I morning
One coming home from work can let to embrace my vivid love which experience you
The woman is very silly, would rather pay everything for those feelings aroused in interest
The woman is born to love for being romantic and grow
The woman is a slave of the love
Perfectly willing to nail oneself on the cross of the emotion
It is only that the wind blows the feeling that the leaf works up in the heart

My dear, the romance that I want is very simple
Can see the sunrise with you in early morning
It is easy to see the cloud cirrus
The fresh breeze has stroked and listened to the bird chirpsing
Look in the morning and reveal the grass green mountain of bit blue and green
Stroll and moan a light song in the mountain
Let the heart let in the first rays of the morning sun fly away

My dear, the romance that I want is very simple
Stand in the sun setting at dusk shoulder to shoulder
Look at large Jiangdong of distant mountain of the setting sun
See shine clouds majestic gorgeous the setting sun such as blood
See and curl upwards in the peasant family the smoke from kitchen chimneys at a distance
The tired bird goes back to the nest
The inning light of the dusk is put to the limit

My dear, the romance that I want is very simple
The arm that I want to hold you walks in the sea of faces
Do not want as the supercilious solitary wild goose
In fact I do not want to do the lonely one deep and remote and blue
But you are destined be unable to meet my wish
So I can only be a fragrant thoroughwort in that empty mountain valley
Just you can want to see my loneliness
I know the name that you do not like me
It is me that I tell you that I am grieved too
Push as you cup change, can appear my figure under the light
Can know when you grapple in the gambling house what kind of fatherless pillow I am that it is difficult to sleep
Perhaps because like to be too deep I am unable to shake off the chains of the heart

In fact, while falling in love with you originally
I understand you and me are two different persons of kind
Just I at that time confused the maturity and humour to you very much
Knock against it these years
Only because of originally two kinds of dispositions of ours
In these years, I have accepted one's fate gradually too
One's own choice one's own commitment
I have any reason to betray
Moreover, I am only yours in your heart
This life, I can only be only yours
It is only a commitment made in all one's life when being young

My dear, what I want is the romance that you can afford to give
Why are you so stingy
Really aesthetic and tired
How will the years left we continue
I have only Li Qingzhao's: Fix one's eyes on the place, add one section to worry about newly again

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55