13 Aug Should We Be Doing More to Protect the Sanctity of Marriage?

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Note: Originally posted on August 13, 2008 on Black in America (www.blackinamerica.com).

Last night, I got a chance to participate in an online debate about black people and homosexuality. The blog by the same name was posted by E Private. I enjoyed reading E Private's quick comments and those of others. However, I kept asking myself, "Should we be doing more to protect the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman?"

As most of you know, I am a happily married man. It has been this way for over 15 years. My wife means everything to me. But I am concerned about prospects for my now four-year-old son when he starts thinking about marriage. Will he be confused because courts in Massachusetts, California and Hawaii have redefined marriage, recognizing same-sex couples as marital units? I hope not. My prayer is he will take every thought about marriage captive, because those thoughts will drive both his feelings and behaviors.

We heterosexuals should be doing more to protect the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. The whole concept of marriage originated in the Garden of Eden, with Adam (a man) and Eve (a woman). Marriage was never intended to be between two men or two women. But a select few in our society are beginning to take matters into their own hands. And when all is said and done, the damage that they inflict on the psyches of our children and youths will be beyond repair. I say this because many of our young people are already being conditioned to be sympathetic to the homosexual campaign for equal rights and protections under the law.

But I respectively submit one question to the homosexual readers of this blog entry: Doesn't your existence as a man, a woman, already give you these rights and protections under the law? Yes, I know you are looked down upon for the choice that you made, but we all make choices that subject us to consequences.

But let me shift my comments back to our children and youths being conditioned to be sympathetic to the homosexual campaign. I challenge you to visit your local public high school and ask about their sponsored clubs. Chances are you will discover one for gay, lesbian, transgender and bi-sexual youths. School administrators will say the clubs exist to provide a safe haven for these youths. What I want to know, however, is why the public school system, funded by taxpayer dollars, is feeding these homosexual youths' desires to be sexually active.

If they're going to feed this desire among their homosexual students, they might as well do the same for heterosexual ones. In fact, they should allow all of their students to have protected and unprotected sex in the hallways or under the school gymnasium bleachers. As concerned parents, we would be outraged if something like this happened. So why aren't we outraged by the existence of school-sponsored clubs that promote the homosexual lifestyle?

What do you think? Should we be doing more to protect the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman? Shouldn't we also be encouraging our children to save themselves for their husbands, their wives?

I look forward to reading your responses.

Be blessed, and continue to be a blessing.


Copyright 2008 Jeffery A. Faulkerson. All rights reserved.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55