12 Aug Honesty and Integrity...Watch Who You Do Business With

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As many here on iZania know, i've been posting many blog articles here...but nothing compared to what I do total. I am posting this as a warning to all members on iZania. Not to bring negativity...but this is for awareness and i'm passing this on as my experience.

I won't get into too many details with this one, but right here on iZania, we have somebody who doesn't have integrity and is not really about "Black Business"...no matter how sweet it sounds.

Just a little info...as some people know, i'm pretty handy when it comes to dealing with websites/blogsites. I recieved a message from this person to take on an AE position with her magazine. Well, as a plus, I took initiative and decided to expand her online presence. In doing this, I helped bump up her network of 50,000+ to over 650,000 with in a little over a month. At the same time, I created two blogsites for her companies...UrbanLyfeStyles and UrbanLyfeStyles Media...which recieved MAJOR traffic and subs. We eventually agreed upon a payment, but I have to admit that I didn't draw up a contract before work was done. However, I did draw up an invoice, sent her back a W-9 that she sent among other paperwork. I have kept all reciepts from the faxes i've sent along with EVERY email to back up everything I say.

Just let me say that I was really into "Black Business" and helping each other rise...but still have to watch your back. This person mistook my kindness for weakness and has been lying for over 2 months now.


Maybe I shouldn't air this out, but I think it's only right to put this information out there to fellow African Americans that are looking to form reliable, TRUSTWORTHY, business relationships. I'm not looking for a pity party, I have other projects that i'm working on and have been making great connections in many other places on the web. For anybody who reads this, pass it on as a warning and just know that when you deal with certain people, be extra careful about her motives. She is not what she seems to be...especially when it comes to her business...if you only knew.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55