29 Jul BLACK IN TIME: A Moment In Our History

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The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill

The National Liberty Congress Of Colored Americans Petitioned Congress To Make Lynching A Federal Crime On July 29, 1918.

The Following Year There Were 83 Reported Lynchings, 25 Major Race Riots And The Ku Klux Klan Held Over 200 Public Meetings.

In 1921 There Were 64 Mob Murders In Which Four Of The Victims Were Burned Alive.

It Wasn't Until January 26, 1922 That Congress Passed The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill. Up To That Point, Blacks In The Northern And Border States Could Be Relied Upon To Vote In Large Numbers, For Repulican Candidates. But Because Republicans Delayed Their Pledge That The Harding Administration Would Make Lynching A Federal Crime, Many Northern And Urban Blacks Turned Away From The Party.

Subsequently, The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill Became A Major Contributing Factor To The Shift Of Black American Loyalties From The Republican To The Democratic Party.

"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55