27 Jul Bank Warning from YaKir

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Warning about banks from my friend, YaKir on Myspace.  I pass it on to you for further consideration.

"Determine if your bank is in danger of going under and withdraw your savings and checking funds--and your safe deposit box contents--as soon as it's clear that it's unsafe. Don't hesitate, thinking that you'll wait for a week or two and see what happens. If you want a good reason for quick action, see what an ordeal IndyMac depositor had in securing their funds in July, 2008.


Next, make sure you find a new bank that's as safe as possible.

Use an online rating service such as bankrate. com to determine that the bank you're considering has a 1 or 2 rating (1 being the highest).

Help alert others to the undeniable factuality of capitalism's collapse and do whatever you can to stop the criminal bailout of failed capitalism.


"The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.

Franklin D.



"The failure is complete and catastrophic “war of choice” in Iraq economic recession at home. As the conservative era—launched with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980—comes to its end, we are left with the ruins: Gilded Age inequality, record foreign debts and trade deficits, worst corporate crime wave since the Robber Barons and crippling public squalor in a country that is literally falling apart. Home values collapsing, wages declining and the cost of health care, tuitions, gas and food soaring. Katrina’s disgrace, Halliburton’s cronyism, Enron’s corruption, toxic toys, poisoned school lunches and casino banking. The list can go on.

Robert L.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55