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July 22, 2008

Educators To Lead Discussion Panel San Bernardino, CA. 4Positive Knowledge founder and Million Father March organizer, Terry Boykins, announced today that the Empire Wrestling Federation will join efforts in promoting positive fatherhood involvement for the upcoming August 9 event beginning at 10 am.

Boykins stated that he and Jesse Hernandez, Empire Wrestling Federation representative, have agreed to bolster the event by erecting an actual competition ring at the west-end lowel level plaza of the Carousel Mall located in downtown San Bernardino. Hernandez says that guest wrestlers will be on hand to take photos with fathers and their families.

A series of five distinct discussion panels and other activities are scheduled to take place in the ring during the "Fatherhood vs. Fatherless Showdown for the Positive." Additionally, there will be special performances and a tribute to military fathers serving abroad.

The event is for all fathers regardless of ethnicity, faith or socio-economic backgrounds. This is a positive community event to engage and encourage fathers to take a more active role in the lives and education of their children. Begun as grass-roots effort five years ago, the effort now reaches nearly 500 cities in America.

In support of teachers, Boykins stated that "we are asking each father to bring one ream of copy paper to help reduce the out of pocket expense by teachers." He is planning for even more significant support as the campaign grows year to year.

Complimentary exhibit booths are available to non-profit and community based organizations. Business exhibitors also invited.

A number of area lawmakers and educators are supporting the event.

Media contact: (909) 370-2805.

Reference contacts:

Congressman Joe Baca - James R. Dudley, 909-885-2222
County Supervisor Josie Gonzales – Lisha Smith (909) 387-4040
San Bernardino County Asst. Sup of Schools – Margaret Hill, (909) 386-2902

San Bernardino City Unified Schools – Mars Serna (909) 880-6581 Community Parks & Recreation – Gabriel Rodriquez (909) 889-0672 State of California - Leonard E. Robinson 916-842-7279 Community Christian College - Dr. Donald Brown 909-327-2553 Rev. James Baylark - JBaylark@msn.com Military - Joshua Harmon - 760-780-5609 Colton Joint USD - Michael Townsend 909-580-5000

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55