Going green has been in the news for quite some time. There are reusable bags for sale in many supermarkets and plastic bags from department stores offer ways to recycle said bag to keep from harming the environment. Bath and body care is going green also – if one takes a look at any shelf in the supermarket or the local discount department store, you will see various skin and body care products labeled “organic” or natural.
In the general sense, being having “natural” on the label does not necessarily mean the product is good for your skin – it depends on what other additives are used. Remember, arsenic is natural! However, a body or skin care product created from natural ingredients is much better for your skin and well being than a product with an ingredient list full of unpronounceable words that is longer than your arm.
Because I initially created a product for use by my 1 year old daughter, I took great care to use ingredients that were basically safe enough to ingest (excluding of course the fragrance). Neosoul.essentials’ products are 95%-100 % percent natural and do not contain parabens or any other preservatives. Our unfragranced products and those fragranced with essential oils are 100% natural.My purpose for creating neosoul.essentials was to provide those who want to ‘go green’ in bath and body care a healthful and budget conscious alternative to the high priced “natural” products. Everyone deserves to have an alternative to chemical-laden body care products. I use shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, canola oil and virgin coconut oil in my products. As I stated before, our unfragranced products may not taste good, but are safe to ingest!
If you have any questions on our products or our ingredients, please feel free to email me at Christine@neosoulessentials.com.