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It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again (smile)
There has been a lot of talk lately about how the conservatives (I won't label all Republicans) have targeted Michelle Obama. Pearl Jr. a noted Digital Drummer, and community activist has posted a controversial and engaging article on the subject, basically asking...Is Today's Black Music To Blame For All Of This??? (see
As you would expect, this accusation blaming Rap music and the degradation of women in the media as the primary culprit, has generated much feedback on Net. From AOL's BlackVoices to, they are all talking about Pearl's article. Pearl, an accomplished writer and intelligent Black women lays out her argument with relevant observations and topical examples.
Her entire article is too long to post up here, but below are just a few excepts:
>>> The well-raised daughters of two highly educated, respected, and accomplished Black people have come VICTIM to being lumped into a group of women who have been misogynized to no end in hip hop music. It's time we face the facts. Rap crap music has devastated the Black family leading to the downfall of the Black community. Not even the most successful and powerful Black man's family in political history is immune to being labeled worthless by whoever deems it.
>>> Do you recall, the most hated President Bush ever being called "trailer park trash"? Not hardly because the claim would be off base-President George W. Bush is a warmonger as well as a failure as a President to be accurate. In lieu, to label little girls a derogatory term aimed at sex-aged promiscuous Black females, the phrase must NOW be used to describe ALL Black females, despite their age, background, integrity, personality, actions, or prestige.
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>>> Then I hear and see that Michelle Obama is being branded "Obama's Baby Mama" instead of Barack's wife. This wreckless slur solidifies the hatred, disrespect, and dismissal of Black women as human beings worthy of a successful Black man's love, matrimony, and commitment. Fox News' Michelle Malkin, a Philippino racist against anything non-White, labeled Mrs. Obama inaccurately, because a "Baby's Mama" isn't married to the father, and since the text on the screen reiterated Ms. Malkin's words, it proves malice, forethought, and apparent collaboration with a female producer by the name of Jessica Herzberg, the show's producer.
>>> It's now fun to hurt Black women. Why not, it seems Black men do it all the time, so let's all jump in and rip out the hearts of Black women; after all, too many Black men are too psychologically twisted to realize that the disrespect, abandonment and dishonor they show to Black women will affect their own daughters, mothers and sisters--creating a hostile world for their own off springs, even if their children are bi-racial.
As many of my regular readers know, I'm on a mission to uplift the image of women in the media (see Fresh Faces2u below). So naturally as much as I love Hip-Hop, I'm inclined to agree with Pearl Jr. My question this morning, is what do you my readership think? Hopefully we can start a dialogue that is about positive solutions, and not fall into the blame game trap.
What say you...
----About Pearl Jr.----
Pearl Jr. is an American author, activist, journalist and producer. She is the author of three books, one documentary and has successfully ran four websites (award-winning)
Pearl is the founder and owner of Elbow Grease Productions (EGP) and Pearl Jr. Publications. EGP is a full service media company, specializing in activism for the upward mobility of the Black race.
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