Buck O'Neil
On This Day In 1962, John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil Became Major League Baseball's First African American Coach, When He Managed The Chicago Cubs.
Born November 11, 1911, In Carabelle, Florida, O'Neil Was A Star First Baseman And Manager In Negro League Baseball With The Kansas City Monarchs.
The Chicago Cubs Hired O'Neil As A Scout In 1956. While Holding That Position He Signed Hall-Of-Famers, Lou Brock And Ernie Banks. He Is Noted For Sending More Negro League Veterans To The White Majors Than Any Man In baseball History. Some Of These Stars Include Sachel Paige, Bob Thurman, Connie Johnson And Hank Thompson.
Buck O'Neil Was Also Instrumental In Establishing The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum In Kansas City, Missouri.
In The Years Prior To His Death On October 6, 2006, O'Neil Renewed Interest In Baseball's Negro League
Through Speaking Engagements And Interviews.
"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.