20 May Beat the Gas Price Hikes: Learn How to Save on Gas Now

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12 Ways to Save On Rising Gas Costs

See Full, online article here.

1. Buy Gas Before Sunrise & After Sunset
Plan to purchase gas early in the morning or late evening. The reason being is that the heat from the sun causes gas to bubble up and rise. As a result, you may be getting less gas than you think. Start on this routine and notice how much more mileage you'll get out of a tank of gas.

2. Don't Buy In Wealthy Neighborhoods
You can jump in your automobile right now and do a little experiment of your own. The more ritzy the neighborhood, the more pricey the gas! No logical explanation I can give here other than...the rent and real estate is higher in those areas so the gas stations charge a higher premium on gasoline.

3. Don't Buy If Gas Truck is Present
If you go in to full up and the gas truck is there restocking the gas, don't gas up! The Gas truck causes the gas to "stir-up" as it refills. It interrupts the natural state of the gas and causes gas levels to rise. If you proceed to fill your tank during this process, you will more likely get less gas for your money due to the "swelling" of the gas.

4. Avoid Major Interstates & Highways
Well, as with anything else, You pay for convenience! Gas prices are usually more expensive off of major highways, interstates, and intersections for that matter. Choose gas stations in low profile areas and/or areas with less traffic. Do your own comparisons. Check out the gas price ranges as you drive around town.

5. Go Cruising
Using cruise control saves gas. It provides a consistent driving state for your car which utilizes less fuel. It stabilizes acceleration so your car burns fuel efficiently. If you had no reason before to rely on cruise control - you do now. It saves gas and money.

6. Keep Your Auto Maintained
Make sure you maintain your tune-ups and oil changes. The more efficient your automobile, the better gas mileage you will receive.

7. Use Gas Tank Supplements
I saw an ad for this product on TV about 3 weeks ago and thought it was interesting. It prompted me to do my homework on getting the most out of my gas mileage. You can save up to 80% per gallon by using this eco-green supplement in your gas tank. You can learn more here .

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55