25 Apr About Eric

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Hi My name is Eric Wilson I'm new to bloging I've been a member of this site since 2006 and just now learned how to work the websie. Well hope everyone is have a great day and I will be back . My business is Mortgages and a few other things that I'm learning; you will hear about them soon.Ohh also I have a drama ministry I started in 2005 called R.e.a.l Ministries check out our blog on myspace.   www.myspace.com/real_ministriesj1010    Also my business site  www.hbwmortgage-ajer.com  We can service mortgages in 48 states, call me my contact information is on the website at the bottem . Thank you for your time.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55