20 Apr Book Work Angels Helps Children Succeed!!

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VISIT: BookWormAngels.org

Book Worm Angels is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1999 to help children achieve proficiency in and a love for reading. We deliver new and gently used books for classroom lending libraries. The books are fun, general interest books appropriate for Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grades. We provide about 6,000 fun, general interest books for classroom lending libraries in a typical school of 600 students.

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQxyZjHufmg 320x240]

In Chicago, there are over 140 elementary schools where the majority of the children read below grade level. The children in those schools rarely see anyone reading for enjoyment, and come to think of reading as work...worse yet, SCHOOL work. Book Worm Angels establishes classroom lending libraries in those schools so that children can discover that reading can be enjoyable...and by so doing, learn to read better...and in time to become better students. As of April,2008, we have collected and delivered over 1,100,000 books and serve over 73,000 students in 142 schools.

For more information visit: BookWormAngels.org



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55