18 Apr ABC Clinton/Obama Debate

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Presidential debate last night was a demonstration of the failure of laissez-faire Capitalism to provide for the common welfare of this Republic.

The debate turned out to have three whites, George Stephanopolous, Charles Gibson and Hillary Rodham Clinton attacking, Barack Obama who is black. Under the ospicies of mega giant- ABC News, a corporate bully as scene through the eyes of Obama supporters the debate was nationally televised.

There is a bright side to last night’s debate: Obama’s grace under fire. Obama was suppressed, but he kept trying to talk about significant policy issues, however, the right questions were never asked. Obama’s and Hillary’s right to a fair debate over the policy issues had been abridged by the moderators harangue about Obama’s friends. Struggling through gossip, Obama tried to discuss the war and the economy, but was stayed by the constant bombardment of questions about his past relationships.

What were the intentions of Hillary Clinton? Was Hillary trying to destroy Obama’s reputation so that McCain can win and gain for herself another presidential bid in 2012?

The debate also raises questions about ABC’s motives for allowing the debate to degenerate into gossip?

Last night Obama tried to bring forward a peaceful message of hope and the steps necessary for future prosperity, but got pummeled by Hillary Clinton and ABC’s News annalist, Stephanopolous, and Gibson. All three were more interested in inflicting wounds on Obama’s reputation, hearing about, Rev Wright and the Weathermen, rather than hearing about the needed political/ economic reforms the new president intended to introduce. We can ask were they really interested in informing the electorate or were they more interested in helping them selves to headlines.

Contrary to Hillary Clinton and ABC News, Barack Obama did a fine job last night. He did not overreact to the three pit bulls attacking him, and any peace loving Americans are proud of him. The nay Sayers who desired Obama’s blood got instead only his polite yet graceful smile. He proved and perfected himself in the crucible of prime time television scrutiny last night. Obama showed America through his true maturity and character to be an authentic hero, as did Dr. King and President Kennedy. Now it is the people’s time to show Barack Obama and the world that we get it, we understand his message loud and clear.

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrBvsEqYAhA 320x240]

Hillary Clinton Obama Debate Philadelphia April 16

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55