17 Apr Alternative Parking

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The president's economic stimulus will be as useful as t... on a boar.  Think about it.  70% of our economy consists of consumer spending.  According to one survey (Parade) I read, a large percentage of the consumers polled stated they would use their economic stimulus checks to pay down some debt or put it in savings.  No doubt, you laughed when you saw the source for my information but not so quick partner, my source is about as scientific as the economists in the Administration who came up with the wonderful idea that a rebate to consumers would jumpstart the economy.  What empirical data is that conclusion based upon?  With the downward spiral of this economy and more bad news around every corner,  I would agree with those consumers who said they would pay down some debt or put that rebate check away for a rainy day.

To the extent other consumers are thinking about doing the same, how many of those  rebate checks will go toward new purchases?  Not many I suspect.  Therefore the gurus in the Administration  have miscalculated again (those same economists who could not predict a $6 trillion housing bubble).



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55