17 Mar Just not that into you...

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Hi guys,

This can be related to quite a few things in life - work, family - if you're not getting that promo you want then they're just not appreciating you enough and perhaps you need to move on.  But lets look at it in terms of relationships.

I watched an episode of Oprah recently and it was great fun! They had a gentlemen who had written a book called "He's just NOT that into you" and ladies had lots of questions for him:

We have great sex when we're together and great times when we're together but he can go 3 weeks without calling me! Why?

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years and I'm ready for marriage but he just wants to travel the world and says he's not ready yet. Why?

I had the most amazing date with a guy 8 months ago but now he only texts and calls me! Why?

Simple none of those guys are into them!

Here's my take on the issue - Let's be honest if we have to start making excuses for someone, start justifying their actions, start reminiscing on good times past rather than glorifying on great times present this person is just not the one.

I'm speaking to the ladies but this is for guys too - if you have to doubt or question a person's actions on how they are treating you that person is not fully and completely valuing your self worth - YOU ARE NOT VALUING YOUR SELF WORTH. You need to commit to the value of you - you're number one and when someone realises that there is nothing that will keep them away!

Typical excuses:

I'm too busy - doesnt have time for you now and never will -be honest even the busiest people in the world CEOs and sportsmen and politicians can have happy and loving relationships.

I've just come out of a serious relationship/just got divorced - If you're right for them they'll know it and they'll be no fear - relationships are not to be feared! Love is not something to be afraid of.

I like things the way they are - doesn't want to commit and won't change them until he's ready - is that really what you want?

I don't want a serious relationship - he just wants a sexual relationship.

Look I'm not preaching to anyone we all make our own choices in life but one choice I think we all need to make is that we CHOOSE TO BE WORTHY!  A person who really wants and loves and adores you will call you when they say they will, will want to spend time with you all the time, will like being with you and seeing you - thats the simple truth.

Things to avoid:

Allow yourself to be chased - you need to show that you have a varied life and a relationship is NOT the be all and end all - if a person has to work to see you then that means your worth it!

Do not make excuses for anyone - it doesn't matter how old you are, stop making excuses - He's about to get a divorce from his wife, he's a busy professional - STOP! Firstly never deal with anyone already involved, its shows a lack of self love and secondly excuses mean nothing but that that person does not love you like you deserve to be treated.

Keep things simple - Dating is not brain science - just keep it all in perspective, if the person tells you that they'll call you on sunday at 12pm and they call you on tuesday at 8pm then that person was not thinking of you and does not respect you so don't waste your time!

Pheewwwwwwwww glad I got that all out - please guys and girls feel free to comment this is just my opinion along with the views of others.

Much Love,



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55