30 Nov Can you Trust the Tax Preparer you are giving your personal information to?

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Year after year I service new clients who had their taxes prepared by someone whom they can no longer find. Why would you be so trusting to go to someone that you have not researched before handing them your personal information and most importantly your Social Security Number? With the increase in identity theft I would think that people would be more cautious than to just hand over their personal information so freely. Most of my clients found my company online, spoke to me over the phone and scheduled an appointment at my office to meet with me before hiring me. I have no problem with this process. In fact I want my clients to interview me because I do not have anything to hide.

If the person preparing your taxes is not authorized to e-file with the IRS and does not sign their name on your tax return you should be careful. Not to say that they can not be trusted, just be careful. I did not always sign my name on tax returns so it is not a major issue. Once you start preparing a large number of returns you really do not have much choice than to be authorized with the IRS because the software companies require you to have a professional tax identification number. But believe me, there are ways around getting those numbers.

Just because you go to a major well known company to have your taxes prepared does not mean that your taxes are being prepared by someone who has been through a background check with the IRS. Many companies hire clerks to come in during tax season and you are giving them your personal information. I know of an incident with someone that worked for a large tax firm and had been to jail multiple times for stealing and writing bad checks. Do you know the criminal background of the person you gave your information to last year?

Better yet, last year one of my clients called me in despair asking if I would promise to never give her son's social security number to anyone. I was confused and asked where was this coming from and she told me that she had just talked to a lady who told her she could sell her a child's social security number in order to receive a larger refund. Another incident I was made aware of was tax preparers issuing you a check from their personal bank account. The only check a tax preparer should be issuing you is a certified check from one of the banks that participate in tax returns and rapid refund programs. I think a person or company that does such things should be reported to the IRS. It is sad to think things have gotten this bad just for a RAPID REFUND!

If you want to be assured that you are protected visit the website of your tax preparer, all professionals should have one. Research your tax preparer to make sure that they are not a fly-by-night company. Find a professional that you can build a personal relationship with or at least a company that is open year-round and has been in business for a while. There are so many things to look for in a Tax Accountant. Take your time and most importantly be mindful of who you're giving your personal information to this year! Contact us at http://www.eskindesacctgandtax.com/
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55