13 Jan This weeks LTH WEEKLY author interview show

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Hi this is George Cook the host of the African American literary talk show LTH Weekly and I would like to invite you to check out my interviews with author Jarold Imes the author "Age ain't nothing but a Number and with DEX author of "Detroit Green House. You can listen here


Jarold Imes Age ain't nothing but a number
Book Description--Juan Morales lives in the Delta Center after a lie has forced him out on his own. There, he meets Jazmyn Walters, a budding entrepreneur that wants to make him her own piece of work. Together, they work out their desires and face the obstacles of being thirteen years apart and slowly falling in love while being homeless...
DEX Detroit Green House
Book Description--In Detroit Green House by Dex, readers follow the friendship of Tywon Miller and Maurice `Money Bunny' Bonner that began in their early childhood. From the start, Money showed traits of jealousy yet they were blind to Tywon; who really cherished their bond. As the two aged, various situations tested their friendship, but Tywon personified the saying `can't see the forest for the trees' and constantly down-played instances where Money's integrity was in question. When Money was incarcerated, Tywon started making large sums of money from selling marijuana. Upon Money's release, he noticed Tywon's increased cash-flow and new circle of friends which made him feel replaced. Those feelings caused Money's jealousy to flare with an added dimension; revenge. It was not until Tywon's brother got shot, and possibly killed, that he took a hard look at their friendship. When thousands of dollars turned into millions, would Tywon be able to continue his life-long friendship with Money? Or would his rose-colored glasses shatter, revealing Money for what he really was?
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55