05 Jan The Benefits of joining a hate group

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The Benefits of joining a Hate Group
By George Cook http://www.letstalkhonestly.com

You know what?  I think racist are catching a bad rap here in America. Now I write this as an African American. Just because they hate doesn't make them bad people. I mean they may just be looking for companionship or need a hug.

I mean if you stop and think about it there are benefits to joining a group for the sole purpose of hating others.

What can those be, you ask?

Well here are 10:

1. Many hate groups are Christian based so you can hate in the name of the Lord. Nothing like saying the Lord's Prayer and then looking for some black, jewish, hispanic, or gay guy to beat up. Let the church say Amen!

2.The fact that you only have a GED makes you one of the most educated people at a hate group meeting . Everybody likes to feel superior once and a while.

3.The meetings are mercifully short. It doesn't take long to say, "We hate everybody."

4. Hate Rock. Nothing like listening to someone sing about hating and killing all non whites...........in German.

5. You get two flags to choose from. the Nazi Flag or the Confederate Flag.

6. In some cases you get to wear a sheet and not have to say something dumb like, "Boo!"

7. You get to say, "Nooses are not a threat to dem dere N*****" with a straight face and nobody in the room makes fun of you.

8. You get to read cheesy pamphlets filled with small words and crudely drawn pictures that you can actually understand.

9. You get to talk badly about African Americans then complain that your college team can't win because it doesn't have enough of them.

10. You don't have to worry about being charged with a hate crime by the U.S. Justice Dept. I mean why would anyone see all the racist literature or the nazi tattoos and think you and your buddies beat up some black guy only because he was black.......

Now how can you look at all those great reasons and still think badly about people that join hate groups? Shame on you all!

George Cook

Read more of George Cook's work here:http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/LTHarticles.html
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55