29 Nov God's Intensive Care

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For Critical Times, Critical Healings and  Critical Needs


Speak   the   word 

By Dorothy Anderson © Contents/Critical Agenda  



A Way Total Restoration, Health and HealingThis presentation offers an approach to helping and understanding those who may be critically ill.  Sometimes their situations may not be clear.  Questions are asked but, there are no answers. Read this information.  Stand on the Word of God.  Put God first.  Pray and keep praying.    Prayer is Powerful. God's Intensive Care promotes boldness and courage.  Review the outline provided.  Get the words of Jesus in your heart.  Give special attention to He Speaks and A Word.  Think restoration, health, and healing.  This is in the covenant.  God can move mountains of disease, sickness, poverty, lack or sickness. We are spirit, living in a body and have a soul.  Let your spirit be in control.  Grow up in the Lord.  Jesus is the healer of every system, organ and cell of your body. Pray for the environment and its surroundings.  Pray for basic body needs and functions.  Pray for procedures and for the delivery of proper care.  Pray for supporters,staff and providers.   Desire to be in good health.  Your total restoration, health, and healing glorify God.  When all fails, God is with you.  His love provides for and protects you.  Let him dwell in your spirit. Read the case presentation.  Appreciate that physical intervention is a must as well as spiritual.  May you be blessed; health and healing restored.  Walk with God.     COMPREHENSIVE SUCCESS PLANNING OUTLINE CSPM Outline Health and Healing    Spirit    Body    SoulCritical Care NeedsTools and Instruments    ResourcesScriptures ========================================CSPM Outline Health and Healing: Total restoration and healing.  Spirit: Holy Spirit, God's Word, Kingdom of God.  Renew a right spirit in us Lord.  Become spiritually motivated. Body: Be a new creation in Christ Jesus.  Put your body under your spirit. DNA, genes, cells, tissues, organs, systems, senses.  Growth and development; one cell, many cells, trillion cells/the body.  Inside the womb or uterus.  Birthing and inner healing.  Passage into the outside world. Soul:  Mind, will, emotions.  Prayer, praise, worship Psalms/songs.  Miracle; Let God  work it out.  Kingdom  Keys; The Lord reigns, God in you. Critical Care Needs: God shall supply all my needs.  Tools and Instruments:  Intravenous fluids, monitors, ventilators,  antiembolic  boots, cooling blanket, mattresses, feeding tubes, medications, staff, Strategies of Success (SOS). Resources:  Try them in critical times.  Call on God; He's always there.  Power in praise, prayer and Worship.  Read the Bible.  Kingdom Keys; God's words; statutes; prayer Scriptures: Ps 139...Goal: In his likeness; readPs 103:3..healeth all thy diseases; God does.  Jer 33:6..Behold I will bring it health and cure; and will give unto them the abundance of peace and truth.  Mark 9:23   CSPM Outline  All rights reserved 
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55