27 Nov Clutter = Bad Energy?

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When hearing the word “energy” used in reference to anything other than electricity, power drinks and physical ability, it can sometimes take on an eccentric connotation. In my mind, I picture a lady in gypsy garb, holding dangling crystals saying, “Touch this and feeeeel the energy of past lives in this room!” Maybe that’s just my loopy imagination. Nevertheless, considering what types of energy or vibes that are associated with residential clutter is neither super spiritual nor spooky. Quite the opposite, evaluating the clutter in your home and determining what type of energy it is releasing is actually logical and important to consider.

The fact is, some types of residential clutter are direct causes of anxiety, depression, anger and emotional instability. Case in point, a client called me in to do her basement. Now this lady was the epitome of a loving wife and stepmother. She explained to me that her basement was overwhelming, cluttered and distressing. Even worse, her guest frequently used the basement entrance. She definitely needed my services. We came up with a plan and began our session. About midway into the project, I came across bags and boxes of Christmas decorations, cooking ware, and a few personal items. I asked, “Ok what about this stuff? Donate or keep?” Immediately, upon the sight of those items, my cheerful and easy going client became aggravated and flustered. “That belongs to my husband’s first wife and I don’t know what I should do with it,” she revealed. Right at that moment, I pulled Professional Organizer rank and told her that the ex-wife’s things had to go immediately. While it was nothing against the ex-wife, a huge part of why she felt stressed when coming into the basement had to do with holding on to the ex-wife’s clutter. Why is this? The ex-wife’s personal affects and possessions still had a presence in the home. Thus, the ex-wife’s energy and reminders of her past role as “wife” in the home were in direct conflict with my client’s presence. With a new found sense of exuberance and liberty, my client began to slam the old ornaments, nick-nacks, and casserole dishes into the donation bag with vigor! She had a release that day for sure.

Bottom line: It is an absolute “no-no” to have past possessions from old relationships, bad memories or past negative lifestyles in your living space.

There can be an energetic pull oozing out of seemingly meaningless items in your home. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter is a critical step in securing comfort and peace.

Ok ready to de-clutter and get rid of things that scream NEGATIVE ENERGY? Here are 3 pertinent tips to get you started:

Tip One: No matter what it is, get rid of things that are connected to past romantic relationships or unhappy experiences. Here are some examples: If you broke your leg a few years back, toss the old crutches. If it was “his” old couch – sell it!  if you are an ex-smoker who kicked the habit, then get rid of the old ash trays and other reminders of your smoking past. Perhaps you are trying to get over an ex-lover. Remove all the old pictures, souvenirs from romantic getaways, letters, cards or any other reminders of that past time and relationship.

Tip Two: Losing a loved one and not being able to let go. Too much clutter “inherited” from a deceased family member. Consider donating or giving away things belonging to the belated.  In turn, those things will live on through someone else. However, in your home, the constant reminders of the dead will create “dead” energy in your home. By all means, it is perfectly acceptable to have a few keepsakes in remembrance of those who are gone. Just remember not to let the belongings of the deceased consume too much space. Your home is a place for the living, not the dead.

Tip Three: Don’t allow your home to become a storage facility for non-residents. An occasional favor to store friends or relatives things for a few weeks is acceptable. However, storing someone else’s things indefinitely will create clutter and add excess “weight” to your living space. If it doesn’t belong to you or anyone living in your home – get it out!

Many times, in order to connect to something new and fulfilling in life, you have to first disconnect from past times and old seasons. Surround yourself with positive things and strive to live in a peaceful atmosphere. Get rid of that clutter! :)

Live on the east coast? Bringing in an experience Professional Organizer may be the answer. ClutterFree specializes in full service home and office de-cluttering and organizing. ClutterFree Professional Organizers assist our clients in sorting and consolidating closets, clothing, basements, garages, bedrooms, paperwork…etc. We also handle all donation and trash removals. www.clutterfreehomes.com Call today for a free quote 1-866-285-1891.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55