20 Nov Speaker used n word at March On Hate Crimes

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Former mayor Marion Barry of Washington D.C. gave a speech at The March On Hate Crimes in Washington D.C. on 11/16/07 in which he used the n word. I waited a few days to post this to see if it would be mentioned at all by any of the press.

Now I know the march was held on a Friday which is why that except for CNN it got as much coverage as a hog calling contest in Idaho but I know I wasn't the only one that heard it.

Now I understand the context it was used in but at a "March On Hate Crimes" it might be a word that should be avoided. Marion Berry is still very popular in D.C. which may explain why the local press ignored it but why has everyone else?

Click the link below to watch the 3 minute speech below and judge for yourself whether or not the word should have been used.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55