14 Nov Why black bloggers are upset with Michael Baisden

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Hi this is George Cook of www.letstalkhonestluy.com and I am sure that by now you have all heard the false allegations that Mychal Bell's father, Marcus Jones made on Michael Baisden's radio show against online activist group Color of Change. What you may not know is how those allegations hurt all black online activist including black bloggers and web site owners who have strived for credibility and respectability. Please listen to these four African American bloggers as they give their opinions on what the Michael Baisden fiasco has done to black online activism.

The four bloggers are Dwight Hunter exodusmentality, Yobachi Boswell blackperspective.net Garlin Gilchrist II thesuperspade.com, Gina McCauley whataboutourdaughters.blogspot.com

You can listen here: http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/LTHSpecialReport.html


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55