01 Nov National Blackout Day - November 2, 2007

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Is it just me? Am I wrong in sensing and having a feeling, that Black people will not be doing much to get behind this National Blackout Day initiative tomorrow? I hope I am.

Am I wrong in thinking that more attention will be paid to Dog the Bounty Hunter's remarks than paid to the reasons why there is a need for a National Blackout Day in the first place?

If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to say it. But if I'm right, than there's something really wrong.

Are we so jaded and dulled of senses that anything goes. Is it all over for us? Does anything really matter to us any more? Do we have any pride or self-respect left as a people? If not, what will it take for us to get ourselves together?

Does anyone care about what's happening in this country with regards to the clearly obvious reversals of the social and legislative accomplishments made during the Civil Rights Era?

Can anyone see in the not too distant future, the possibility of a reinstatement of institutionalized Black slavery expanding beyond the prison walls to all of us? Would anyone care? Are we so stupified, numb and caught up in the system, trying to make a buck, that we are like lambs going to the slaughter? Well are we?

I don't think that any of us knows for sure what would happen if we were successful in staging a unified financial blackout on November 2nd. I personally think that it will take more than one day and it certain would take us spending more with our own on a consistent and regular basis. The reason I'm for it is because, if we don't make some attempt at doing something, we will never know. So let's do it and see. Let's continue to move forward one step at a time until we can gain traction and build momentum.

We need to be taking care of business at all times and on all fronts. Or someone else will take care of it for us.

If not now ... when? If not us ... who?
Peace and Blessings,
Lee Green, Chairman
National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA)
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55