By Jim Neusom
Nov 1 2007
I had the pleasure of attending Digital Hollywood (DH) this week. If You Weren’t There...You Missed Out! To sum it up in one sentence, from a tech or entertainment was better then Disneyland.
Not since the old days, have I seen so many blue blazers and penny loafers in one place. The deal makers were in attendance, the studio executives were in attendance, Silicon Valley was in attendance, and more importantly...Black Folk Were In The House!
I attend and write about these types of tech events, as a way of exposing to the Black community, the business, career, and educational opportunities, that are available if we just participate. There were people standing in the hallways that you couldn't get an appointment with if you tired; not only were deals being made, but people were getting hired on the spot; the seminars and workshops were filled with the best in the business, all pointing toward the same to get paid in this world.
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Rev. Jessie Jackson was the keynote speaker at the National Academy of Media Arts & Sciences breakfast ( see Oh yea...we were there in force. Emmit McHenry (heard of Network Solutions) Chairman and CEO of Archura (; Ken Lipscomb, Chairman and Founder of Four Spots ( One of the first brothers I ever knew, who had an official partnership with Microsoft; Jaymes Hines of Hines Media Group ( Noted as being one of the most influential Blacks in digital media; Larry Irving former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce, President, Irving Information Group...All were in attendance.
I could go on and on dropping names, but follow this link to read about the DH forum on Urban Media (see and the panel of Black experts that participated. I like the way they put it: Today's Black urban media and entertainment barons of the old and new school. Yes Virginia...There are Black Barons of Technology.
We were there in the beginning and we're there now. Take Emmit McHenry for example; He is always being introduced as one of the founders of Network Solutions, Inc., the Internet domain services provider, but without him we would not have TCP/IP. Short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, it the de facto standard for transmitting data over the Internet. He was one of the primary developers.
There was just too much going on for me to cover in one report. So I'm breaking my report down into three parts; one on the event itself (vendors, gadgets, and technology), another on the seminars and workshops (couldn't make them all...just too many), and lastly on my exclusive interview with Rev. Jackson, regarding the efforts of the Rainbow Collation to change the game and level the playing field for minority entrepreneurs and filmmakers.
Victor Harwood produces a number of Digital Hollywood conferences and events across the country. I would advise you to be in attendance at the next DH. DH will be at CES in Las Vegas this coming Jan 7th through the 10th, then in New York for the Media Summit Mar 10th through the 12th, then back in LA May 5th 2008. For more information and to review their archive of past events, please visit their website at
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