03 Oct BLACK IN TIME: A Moment In OUR History

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H. Rap Brown:

Hubert Gerold "H. Rap" Brown Was Born On October 4, 1943, In Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

While At Southern University (1960 -1964) Brown Joined The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). He Became The Civil Rights Organization's Alabama Director In 1966 And National Director In 1967, Following The Departure Of Stokely Carmichael.

The Following Year, A Change In Brown's Social And Political Philosophy Brought Him Into The Black Panther Party Where He Became Minister Of Justice. His Views Were Considered "Extremist" And Were Reflected In His 1969 Book, Die Nigger Die! One Of Brown's Most Famous Remarks Is "Violence Is As American As Cherry Pie."

During This Period, Brown Was Arrested And Charged With Various Offenses Including: Inciting People To Riot, Arson, And Smuggling Guns Across State Lines, Into Louisiana.
Between 1967 And 1970 He Was Imprsoned Several Times. And Appeared On The FBI's Ten Most Wanted List.

New York City Police Shot And Captured Brown During, An Armed Robbery In 1971. Sentenced To A Tern Of 5 -15 Years In Attica State Prison, Brown Converted To Islam While Incarcerated And Changed His Name To Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin. He Was Paroled In 1976.

After His Release In 1976, Al-Amin Moved To Atalanta And Opened A Grocery Store. He Also Became The Leader Of Ummah, One Of America's Largest Black Muslim Groups.

In 2002 Al-Amin Was Found Guilty Of Murder And Sentenced To Life In Prison, Following The Death Of One Of Two Police Officers Who Attempted To Arrest Him For Theft, In March 2000. In 2007 He Was Moved From State To Federal Custody In Oklahoma.

"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55