26 Sep BLACK IN TIME: A Moment In OUR History

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William C. Handy:

William Christopher Handy Puplished "Memphis Blues" On September 27, 1912 And Gave The World Its First Uniquely African American Music Form. The Song Was Originally Written For Edward H. Crump's Mayoral Campaign.

Known As The Father Of The Blues, Handy, Was A Trained Musician Who Made Blues "More Respectable" And Mainstream. The Music Had Traditionally Been Heard In Brothels, Saloons, Train Yards And The Back Streets Of The Mississippi Delta.

Handy Was Born November 16, 1873, In Florence, Alabama. He Died March 28, 1958.
While He Did Not Invent Blues Music, He Was The First To Make It Contemporary, By Notating And Putting It To Sheet Music, Thus Making It Suitable For Publication. For That, He Reamains One Of The Most Influential American Songwriters In History.

"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55