20 Aug BLACK IN TIME: A Moment In OUR History

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Nat Turner:

On August 21, 1831, In Southhampton, Virginia, A Small Band Of Slaves, Led By Nat Turner, Began Killing All Slave Owners In Their Path --- Men, Women And Children Alike. According To Turner, The Upraising Was A "Struggle For Freedom," And Nothing Else.

For Three Days The Rebel Slaves Continued Towards Jerusalem --- The County Seat, Which They Intended To Seize, Building Support From Fellow Slaves, Along The Way.

However, 3,000 Federal And State Troops Converged On Jerusalem. They Captured And Killed The Rebellious Slaves, Along With Innocent Bystanders. In All, More Than 120 Blacks And 60 Whites Were Killed.

Nat Turner Was Captured Two Months Later. He Was Hanged On November 11th.

Nat Turner Was Born On October 2, 1800, In Southhampton, VA. His Mother Was So Distraught About Bringing Another Slave Child Into The World, That She Had To Be Restrained From Killing Him.

In Later Years, His Mother Declared That Her Son Was A Prophet And Destined For Greatness. Nat Turner Became A Christian Preacher Who Had Visions. He Believed That In One Of The Visions He Had On May 12, 1828, God Spoke Directly To Him, Saying, Fight The "Serpent."
It Was Then That He Began Planning His Revolt.

"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55