15 Aug Public Speaking Firm Announces Women's Empowerment Party to Help Students Pay for School

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Public Speaking Firm Announces Women's Empowerment Party to Help Students Pay for School

      ATLANTA, Aug. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Correlations, LLC is proud to host the"Imagine Me" Women's Empowerment Party to help raise money for HelenDelores Scholarships. Helen Delores died of cancer in 1996 and lived herlife with timeless philanthropic convictions. Her legacy continues throughthis exclusive event Saturday, October 20th, 2007 at 5:00 PM at the WAtlanta 111 Perimeter Center West Atlanta, GA 30346. Sponsorships areencouraged and available.    The aim of the party is to provide networking opportunities with someof the most accomplished women in the country to stimulate moneymanagement, investment strategies and motivation. Careers and spirits areexpected to be ignited by #1 National Best Selling author Asha Tyson "How IRetired at 26!" The women are in for a special treat with entertainmentfrom Comedienne, Chocolate as seen on BET's Comic View, live music fromMahogany Dust, inspirational performances, great food, door prizes and somuch more!    A rapidly growing public speaking business that began five years agoout of the back of a household kitchen, Correlations plans to help studentsaccomplish their educational goals by hosting this year's event toencourage the community to lend their support for next generation leaders.Correlations goes far beyond training and coaching professionals on publicspeaking. Correlations is also involved with Humble Beginnings, anon-profit organization dedicated to helping men overcome adversity andsponsors quarterly events for the public on finances, communication,wellness and business development.    Correlations founder, Helena Paschal said, "We are pleased to have theopportunity to raise money and awareness at this party to help reduce thecost of education for college students throughout the nation. It is anhonor to have the chance to support emerging talent and future leadersmajoring in liberal arts."    Starting in 2008, Helen Delores National Scholarships of $10,000 willbe awarded to five outstanding students. Helen Delores scholarships areopen to high school seniors or freshman students who are already enrolledin a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or fouryear college, university, or vocational-technical school.    For more information about becoming a sponsor, contact elaina@EnjoyYourselfEvents.biz or 404-274-8812. Tickets for the party can be purchased at http://www.justasklena.com. There is limited seating.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55