18 Jul Here is Our Chance to Support Our Youth

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Who Will Step up to the Plate? 

Eliayannah A. Yisrael, founder of Remaining Humble Productions,  is a 23 year old graduate student studying Film Directing at Loyola Marymount University in Las Angeles California.  She arrived home for the summer in time to hear the horrifying news about 28 high schools killed in school or on Chicago Transit Authority in route to or from school.  Troubled by the news, she decided to do her part to help.  Her goal is  to teach film to innercity youth at-risk while also pursuing a career in directing. 

Here is the concept.  Eliayannah A. Yisrael, and her assistants are  asking that 20 businesses to purchase 10 tickets to be given away to the young people that need it most.  Fortunately, you don't have to live in the Chicagoland area in order to support.  Information is also posted in the business directory at www.empowerachild.com 

What do you get out of the deal?

  1. A three month post on our website.
  2. An old fashioned 5x7 ad in the conference adbook.
  3. The honor of investing in the success of 10 young African American youngsters.
  4. Not to mention potiential peace in our neighborhoods. 

Tickets are available online at both humbleyouthsummit.eventbrite.com  or humbleadultsummit.eventbrite.com

Remaining Humble Productions (708) 250-6532

Conference Location:  Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church 2010 E. 79th Street

Rooted in Righteousness: Stop the Violence
“Empower the Youth, Every Day”
August 5 – 7, 2007
6p – 10p

This conference has been designed to combat the spirit of anger, violence and division that has crept into the young Black community. Participants will be exposed to a variety of topics dealing with self-awareness and unity.

The last night of the conference will culminate with an open-mic where participants, workshop leaders, and special guests will get a chance to speak their hearts.

Day 1

5:00p: Doors open, late registration
5:45p: Welcome & Introduction
6p – 7:15p: Featured Issue (everyone attends)
7:30p – 9:30p: Individual Workshop of Choice #1

9:30 – 9:45p: Closing Remarks
10p: Doors Close

Day 2

5:30p: Doors Open
6p – 7:15p: Featured Issue (everyone attends)
7:30 – 9:30p: Individual Workshop of Choice #2

9:30 – 9:45p: Closing Remarks
10p: Doors Close

Day 3

5:30p: Doors Open
6p – 8p: Individual Workshop of Choice #3
8:15 – 9:30p: Open-Mic Showcase

9:30p – 9:45p: Closing Remarks
10p: Doors Close

Rooted In Righteousness Workshops
Featured Issues (75 minutes):

Choosing Your Friends, Choosing Your Destiny

Individual Workshops (2 hours):

Health & Puberty
Effects of Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco
How to Realize Your Gifts & Talents (there is salvation in passion)
How to Have Clean Fun
Honor thy Father & Mother, or How to Deal With Authority

Tickets are available online
Share the link with the people you care about!

The Black Belt: Bringing It Back, Christ Like
“Money: how to make it and how to spend it”
August 8 – 10, 2007
6p – 10p

This portion of the conference has been designed to promote financial education and responsibility in the young adult community. Participants will be exposed to a variety of topics dealing with personal and professional finances.

The last night of the conference will culminate with a networking event where participants and workshop leaders will get a chance to “work the room”. The networking event will also host a competition. Pre-selected “secret shoppers” will judge participants on how well they made connections!

Day 1

5:00p: Doors open, late registration
5:45p: Welcome & Introduction
6p – 7:15p: Featured Issue (everyone attends)
7:30p – 9:30p: Individual Workshop of Choice #1

9:30 – 9:45p: Closing Remarks
10p: Doors Close

Day 2

5:30p: Doors Open
6p – 7:15p: Featured Issue (everyone attends)
7:30 – 9:30p: Individual Workshop of Choice #2

9:30 – 9:45p: Closing Remarks
10p: Doors Close

Day 3

5:30p: Doors Open
6p – 8p: Individual Workshop of Choice #3
8:15 – 9:30p: Networking Event

9:30p – 9:45p: Closing Remarks
10p: Doors Close

The Black Belt Workshops
Featured Issues (75 minutes):

How to be a Successful Entrepreneur (panel discussion)
• Incorporate, or Not? Profit and Not For Profit (pros, cons, how-to)
• “Render Unto Caesar”, tax time
• Business Plan

Networking 101

Individual Workshop Selections (2 hours):

Online Business
Debt Management & How to Make Major Purchases
Turning Creative Passion into Creative Profit (how artists make money from their art)
Building Generational Wealth
Business Plans
Saving & Investing
Marketing & Public Relations
Hope for the Incarcerated: How to Reach Professional Success After Prison

Tickets are available online
Share the link with the people you care about!


Youth, August 5-7, 2007
$12/groups of ten
*2 bonus tickets when you purchase 10 tickets!!

Adults, August 8-10, 2007
$20/groups of ten
*20 business card starter set with advance registration!!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55