17 Jul Vendors Needed in the Chicagoland Area

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Good afternoon to all you powerful entrepreneurs. 

My awesome 23 year old daughter is making me proud.  She is organizing a youth conference for young people in our area.  My daughter is hosting a youth conference next month in the Chicago area.  If you live near us, this message is for you.    I am her assistant this time, and proud of it.   She was just telling me what else she needs and we were thinking about how to get it done.  I thought I would blast this email out to the entrepreneurs group, you guys, you I just joined to see who may live in the area and who could help.

This is what she needs:

1.    Speakers for the following workshops ( you are welcome to also push your business & sales)

          a.   Online Business Aug 8, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.

          b.   How to be a successful entrepreneur,  Aug 8,   6 - 7:15

          c.   Absitnence - teens age 12-17, Aug 6,  6 - 7:15

          d.   Generational Wealth  Aug 8     7:30 -- 9:30p.m

2.   Vendors Aug 8-10 from 6:00-10:00 p.m     $100 per night or $250 all three nights

3.   Food Vendor  Aug 5-10  6:00 - 10:00p.m.   $125 per night or $ $325 all three nights.

If you are interested and live in the Chicagoland area, call Eliyannah A. Yisrael at 708-250-6532 or just reply to this email blast. 

May God bless you and keep you and give you peace on this glorious day.  It is beautiful in Chicago today!  I love His glorious creation! 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55