11 Jul My First Blog

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Hello, Izania Community!


As the title points out, this is my first blog here.  I discovered Izania after prospecting for online companies geared towards African-Americans, and eventually befriended Roger Madison.  I think he has a great web village here, and I've seen it grow tremendously over the past year.

 My primary company, On Point Media Group, is based in Greensboro, NC and is the national webcaster of On Point.FM online radio.  I am in charge of building mutually beneficial relationships for my organization.  I'm looking forward to making some good contacts on Izania and learning more about individuals and their aspirations for success.

 So, for this first blog, I just want to invite any and all of you to leave a 'hello' or any questions you may have about me.  Stay tuned for my insights about e-marketing, digital media, and various topics of interest to the Black community-at-large.

 Thank you for visiting.  Feel free to check out my station's website by clicking on the following image:







Also, check out my MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/brianakabiz 


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

Latest from Brian C. Perkins