02 Jul BLACK IN TIME: A Moment In OUR History

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On July 2, 1882, Denmark Vesey, A Carpenter Of  West Indian Origin, Was Hanged, Along With Five Co-conspirators, For Planning A Slave Rebellion.

 For Four Years, Vesey, A Free Black, Had Been Organizing More Than 1,000 Slaves And Stockpiling  Weapons And Ammunition, To Take Over Charleston, South Carolina On The Second Sunday In July, 1822.

Authorities Learned Of The Plot Before Hand, From Two House Slaves. In The End, 36 People Were Executed And  Many Others Were Kicked Out Of The State.

The Vesey Conspiracy Disproved The Theory That Slaves Were Docile, Passive Beings Who Were Content With Their Situation.

"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55