15 Jun Solar Energy 101: Introduction to Solar Energy

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As long as the life sustaning natural element of the sunlight exist. There will always be a continuous unending renawable source for solar energy.  And in away that does not destroy the earth's life sustaining environment.  Solar can be used to decrease our overdependence on foreign sources of oil and natural gas. And technology advance's will continue to make solar energy an even more efficient and viable energy solution.

1}What is Solar Energy?

Solar Electric or Photovoltaic Systems convert some of the energy in sunlight directly into electricity.  Since Solar Energy use's the sun to convert energy for use, it's considered a renewable energy source.

2}What is the material in a Solar Energy System or a PV system made of?

Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made primarily of silicon, the second most abundant element in the earth's crust, and the same semiconductor material used for computers.  US is a world leader in the production of polysilicon.

3}How does a Solar System work?

When the silicon is combined with one or more other materials, it exhibits unique electrical properties in the presence of sunlight. Electrons are excited by the light and move through the silicon. This is known as the photovoltaic effect and results in direct current (DC) electricity.

4}Does Solar Energy Systems have moving parts?

PV modules have no moving parts, are virtually maintenance-free, and have a working life of 20 - 30 years.

5}What are the main use's for solar energy?

The main use for Solar Energy is residential or commercial building, but from a solar powered house you can provide a energy source for a hybrid automobile powered from (solar are electricity) a car capable of getting as much as 100 mpg.

6}How much of America's energy consumption is used for Residence?

40%  of America's energy output is used for residential use of which not 1% percent comes from solar energy.  In comparison Japan A technologically advanced country, the most energy efficient country in the world.  Is targeting to have 30% of its future residential electricity requirements supplied by PV.   Germany installs 8 times as much PV as the US because.  Germany has provided generous incentives that stimulate demand for solar energy.  Although America possesses the best solar resources in the world.  Germany is on a fast pace to earn more money  from renewable & alternative energy than the german car manufactors industry.

7}Does Solar Energy have other use besides Residential Energy consumption?

Simple PV systems provide power for many small consumer items, such as calculators and wristwatches, radios.  More complicated systems provide power for communications satellites, water pumps, and the lights, appliances, and machines in some people's homes and workplaces. Many road and traffic signs along highways are now powered by PV.

8}How much does Solar Energy cost?

It cost 20,000 to 40,000 for a system designed to last 20 to 30 years.  Government incentive debates that stimulate demand for solar energy residential systems. as well as net metering.  The selling back energy produced by a solar system back to the DWP grid.  But if you own a business the purchase of a solar system could be cost effective due to laws that subsidize the purchase of such a system.  Rental systems A new business model in the solar energy industry, requires no investment.  And locks in your current energy bill from monthly energy rate increases  http://www.jointhesolution.com/naturalsunlight

9}In Summary

Considering America's current energy problem cluster.  Flucuating energy prices, dirty environmental problems,  dwindling finite energy reserves.   Solar energy reduce's our reliance on coal, petroleum, and natural gasWith many of the remaining global reserves of these vital fuels located in distant and unstable regions around the world.  The cause of escalating conflicts and wars.  No matter how you bring it about.  Advancement of energy technologies such as renewable solar energy sources are evolving as a viable solution to all of these problems.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55