As a black man working for a private company as a district manager in the mid 90's, I was around several Independently wealthy individuals that already had successful lives and more free time than they knew what to do with. Often times I would get invited to go on fishing trips on the Gulf of Mexico for 2 weeks at a time on my friends' private boats and Yachts. I was only able to do that 2 to 3 times a year due to my work schedule. No problem, I wasn't born with big money or an opportunity to even get a ride to school when I was younger, so that was great to me to even have the opportunity to do so, even once.
Because I was so scared to part with the little money I had, I also turned down the free invititations to seminars that my Wealthy friends were charging $100 dollars per couple regarding getting in on the .COM explosion. They were teaching people to buy domain names through .com and use them like Real Estate! Many people were catching on and so many names were being sold in 6 digit figures! Others' including my friends that had this money to invest for things like that used common names in order to open online businesses that are still flourishing today! Some of them sold their companies online for huge dollar amounts and opened another business selling the same products !
I am not trying to show you how to be a millionaire in a couple years. I am only inviting you to take a look at the newest online explosion. Yahoo,MSNBC,GOOGLE,several professional athletes,Trump enterprise, and several other major corporations have already committed to using .WS after their current .COM contracts expire. For example, yahoo is already reconstructing their entire website in a .WS format so there will be no delay in changing their entire website and not lose one single cusomer or account!
Not only am I changing my online business to .WS currently, I have become an affiliate and I already have started making money introducing the new address to customers that I already have had in my 6 years of online business marketing! Everyone I know that has a online presence I have sent this information to, and the ones that were not interested in being an affiliate because they are satisfied with their current money, have still taken advantage of having an online website for life and only $10 a month for owning the domain and free hosting for a lifetime !!
Take a minute out of your life and view this video and see if you have the aspirations to make money in the newest internet revolution!
If you have any questions or you need help, don't hesitate to call me or E-mail me!
Keith A. Miller~ 708 498-4665 or E-Mail me