24 May Turning the Constitution to Gold

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My response to a message from my friend, Firefly.

Personally, I don’t think it is possible to rape and pillage a people (American Indians; Africans) and found an honorable government based on that beginning. The indigenous people of this land have no say in how they live on the land they called home for many years. So to expect a constitution for the people, by the people, but created by people with evil intentions, is ludicrous.

To me, it is no different than Jeffrey Dahmer writing the constitution. People would consider it insane to allow a killer to write what people will use as the foundation of their nation, but essentially, this is what has happened. We’ve allowed serial killers to produce a constitution and then expect it to work and for those who uphold it, the same killers, to adhere to it, albeit an imperfect piece of work based on the authors.

Any way you slice it, this republic will never be great. It will never work. Because there is no amount of political alchemy that will turn our constitution into something it is not. It is a document created by murderers. Therefore, the value of it is forever tainted. It is a document upheld by murderers, therefore any potential value can never be realized. It is a document agreed to by murderers, therefore, it dissolves into the abyss. It is not even a shadow of spiritual greatness.

So to expect the president, vice president, supreme court, or other powers that be to do what is right, is to expect Jeffrey Dahmer to over night transform from a murderer, into a great shaman. And within his writings, show this transformation. Jeffrey Dahmer has figuratively written our constitution. And within it, he has ensured that no light has been shed on the heinous crimes he has committed. He has shined the light on the people, fooling them into believing that he has changed, when all the while, he has merely shined the spotlight away from himself.

A great society can only be built by those who have no interest in control and power. It can only be built by those who do not carry the blood of our great ancestors on their hands. Anything short of that, in my estimation, is doomed to fail.

- Pittershawn

On May 21, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Firefly wrote:

We need to fire bush/cheney. Gonzales is just a pathetic Mexican house slave.

Is America still a free republic– OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people as its constitution and Bill of Rights declare?

Hell, No.

Americans cannot even fire an arrogant, shameless, perjurious attorney general.

Much less remove a president, vice president, defense secretary, and state secretary who are not only liars and war criminals but also war profiteers.

FYI–The United States republic had ceased to be since December 2000 when bush/cheney were declared winners by a corrupted US Supreme Court which intervened to prop up the open theft of the Florida presidential votes perpetuated by Governor Jeb Bush and FL Sec of State Katherine Harris– (current FL republican Congresswoman).


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55