15 May Racists

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By Pittershawn Palmer

Over the years, racists have not changed.  There is always this sense of a right to do the things they do.  They hate the way some people look, what they say or covet them for what they have.  And always, the thread that runs through all racist minds is the notion that they have the obligation to leave the comfort of their home or neighborhood and venture into the space of those whom they feel are “different.” 

One would think this kind of behavior is limited to burning crosses on lawns and other such unsavory actions. But racism rears its ugly head in much the same way with no physical confrontations.  These racists will come in to teach in schools, open businesses and even visit people’s websites to harass and verbally abuse them. 

Even absent the physical cruelties, racists still must find a way to control the lives of those they dislike. They cannot leave a group to teach in their neighborhood in the way that they want. They cannot leave the locals to run businesses in the way they wish, or, they come in and ensure that none of the resources remain in the community, but instead are distributed to serve the needs of anyone other than the locals.

They cannot treat certain websites with the same sanctity they would treat their neighbor’s home. No. They must in every way find ways to burn their figurative crosses and spread their hatred around like an incurable disease.  And, many of these racists will have the audacity to call others racist, as they pillage the physical and emotional lives of those who want only to express their views, learn and simply be left alone to live their lives without interference. 

The self-righteous and religious racists are the worst kind. They typically believe they are the masters of the universe, and the knowledge and power of the world is only theirs to know and disseminate. Anything that does not conform to their belief system is swiftly discarded as nonsense. They cherry pick what they wish to claim as truth, and debunk anything that sheds a bad light on their way of being.

These racists have the very worst kind of mental illness, they are disillusioned.  Yet, because they have pillaged their way into power, they believe they are righteous and right in all that they do. After all, their civilization has risen from the ashes and created a make shift democracy where majority rules. But majority, as history has proven, isn’t always right.  And it is this majority opinion that has led so many down the path of disillusionment.

One cannot tell these racists this, however, lest they be burned at the stake for speaking of that which should not be spoken of. Racists are weak in mind and weak in heart. They cover their sense of inferiority with bravado that echoes through the canyons, but in the end, is meaningless. That bravado gives them a false sense of power. And sadly, it allows them to behave in a way they would never allow in their lineage.

The other tell-tale sign of a racist is their cowardly unwillingness to have civil discourse around their belief systems.  There will always be the customary name calling and bad mouthing of the person they believe to be inferior. It is natural that they do this, they are deflecting their subconscious personality on to others. They are all that they say others are.

In the end, this way of being does not and will never serve a higher spiritual and intellectual order. It will always be substandard and incapable of moving humans to the next level of our intellectual evolution.  In the end, it can only mean a destruction of spirit.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55