12 May What Are We Thinking?

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My Thoughts On “The Secret Video

I think the Secret is an excellent way to bring to the surface how people have more control over there lives than they may have ever realized before. It is the stepping stone that brings things to life for me.

Positive thinking has been emphasized as a desired mental conditioning before. So The Secret was not a new concept. What makes it more potent than what I already knew is in the science of it all.

The scientific reasoning became the icing on the cake for me. I was glad to see an understanding of how the law of attraction works in relation to atoms and energy. It’s not magic!

It is in the understanding and comprehension of facts that become the key factors to being able to apply real knowledge for successful results.

It is important to know that you are not to attempt to visualize anything for manifestation that is not scientifically possible. To understand how atoms, energy and “THE LAW” of Attraction work together to make it scientifically possible is the key. This takes everything to another level that is more clear than what I had ever been used to.

What I also found valuable about The Secret’s teachings is the implementation that it is important to think and FEEL positive energy for most effective outcomes.

Over the years I have always believed that people reap what they sew in their actions, but I never placed it as being the same for your thinking and feelings. It helps me to keep on keeping on when I am able to realize I am just as responsible for my thoughts and feelings as I am for my actions.

Therefore because I am aware that all three perspectives will generate the same “cause and effect “ results in final outcomes, I am consciously aiming for the more positive and happy life. This is utilizing the same potentials given to everyone.

As one succeeds , so do many others and chain reactions of such can only make the world a better place

When it comes to the Bible it has teachings of the same things ‘The Secret’ reveals. I find this to be a strengthening tool to keep me focused on how real the power of attraction is.

The light of Truth is That I knew the bible reads of how sinning in thought is the same as sinning in the flesh, but I just didn’t understand how seriously this Truth should be applied to life until I saw The Secret.

The law of attraction is not something people can manipulate and trick to get end results. To neglect principles would be a fools game!

It is in my opinion very important not to treat the journey of mental reconditioning carelessly. It can take enormous amount of effort to get to a desired effortless way of thinking. We come from years of conditioning, and therefore to make a change we will be “working” on a goal.

The Secret Video
Science of Life
Larry King 1:2
Larry King 2:2
What the Bleep
Dr.Masaru Emoto
Thoughts Ideas
Who We Been
Quantum Physics
Quantum One

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55