09 Aug What if this is right? Nibiru or Planet X Impact

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Dwight W. Hayes, BS, MS

I think I would be remiss not to share this information with my friends after having seen it and remembering the strange case of a NASA Scientist found hold up in an Ohio cave waiting for just such an event to occur.

"This is the last episode in a series of 3 videos about Nibiru or Planet X. View and learn, the truth shall be known. No more half truths and lies from the high ups in power! All your answers are in this final video, answers to many questions posted to me by my fellow youtubers. To those who believe & understand stand strong with me for this truth! For those who needed more proof, view and see this truth. As for those who are Blind to this truth because they live a life of lies anyway and never wish to change, see you on the flip side. You will be the ones with your heads in the sand and butts in the air. The ones saying Oh my GOD it is real, is that Nibiru? To you I say Peace be with you, though you may find no peace. To all my fellow human beings, Peace be with us all, live life to the best of your ability, and do not fear for you have nothing to fear but fear itself. That is all, please rate & Comments welcome." follow link:


The BasicSaver 72 by SaverKits™
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55