08 Aug Russian Institute Detects ULF Blast In Falling US Bridge

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August 2, 2007

Massive ULF ‘Blast’ Detected In US Bridge Collapse Catastrophe

Pictures Russians are seeing of the incident bridge collaspe.

Reports from Russia’s Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics located in Irkutsk are reporting today that their Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) detected a ‘massive’ ultra low frequency (ULF) ‘blast’ emanating from Latitude: 45° 00' North Longitude: 93° 15' West at the ‘exact’ moment, and location, of a catastrophic collapse of a nearly 2,000 foot long bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

SIBERIAN SOLAR RADIO TELESCOPE (SSRT) is among the largest astronomical instruments

To the horrific destruction of the Interstate 35W Bridge, which spanned the Mississippi River we can read as, reported by the Star Tribune News Service:

"The 1,907-foot bridge fell into the Mississippi River and onto roadways below. The span was packed with rush hour traffic, and dozens of vehicles fell with the bridge leaving scores of dazed commuters scrambling for their lives.

Nine people were confirmed dead as of 4 a.m. today. Sixty were taken to hospitals and 20 people were still missing this morning. Authorities said they expected the death toll to rise."

Russian Military reports state that the total collapse of such a massive bridge, and in the absence of evidence linking its destruction to terrorist activity, could only have been accomplished by an acoustic weapon, of which the United States Military is known to possess.

These reports further state that one of the United States primary research organizations into acoustic weapons research is Augsburg College, and which is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and most importantly less than 1 mile from the Interstate 35W Bridge collapse.

To the exact reason of why, and what exactly happened in this catastrophe we can only speculate, but, with what is known about the United States past history of using sophisticated weapons on their own citizens for ‘research’ purposes it certainly lies in the realm of possibility that this horrific tragedy is rooted in the use of ULF weapons.

To the past usage of these new types of weapons we can read even back into the 1980’s of the United States research into their use as reported by the CNN News Service:

"Imagine the implications of a weapon with no visible trace -- a weapon that could knock out tanks, ships, and planes as fast as the speed of light. The same technology, with modifications, could disorient and even tranquilize military personnel, rendering them virtually helpless in the battle zone. These are the new weapons of war we will examine in this series.

Report from “What Does It Mean . Com”

Story Continued at: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1026.htm




Sorcha Faal

Posturing as a scientists associated with the Russian Academy of Science, this newcomer raised many eyebrows:

Who is Sorcha Faal? It seems this person has appeared out of nowhere and is now issuing all of this information forth from David Booth's web site. (whatdoesitmean.com) Who is he/she? Has he/she been around for a while and I just missed it? Is he/she connected with indiadaily.com?


And from another:

A search of the Russian Academy of Sciences website for Sorcha Faal brings up "not found".


And from another:

This quote below is from the WhatDoesItMean web site. I e-mailed her a couple of weeks ago for her credentials and requested links to previous articles that she supposedly wrote ... never heard back. I have searched high and low on the web for over two weeks and can't find anything about her...


Sorcha Faal is an International Researcher and Author who goes beyond the simple explanations used to explain today’s issues. “Life is meant to be more than accepting our world as separate pieces; everyone must see the interconnectedness of everything.” She is fond of saying. As a child growing up in St. Petersburg, Russia, Sorcha’s life mirrored others of her generation in experiencing in education and life an experience of freedom, thought and religion not known to her parents or grandparents. Seeing that many prominent, and esteemed, Russian researchers, and their works, are not only undervalued in Western countries but also practically unknown, Sorcha has devoted herself to providing a bridge to the world for those ideas and thoughts previously unknown. Utilizing her skills in engineering and intelligence analysis she provides to the reader a unique approach to understanding this world of ours in the areas of current political, astronomical, earth sciences and medical events. To enable this effort of education leading to greater understanding between all the peoples of the world she has acquired the management position of the American, Canadian and British website, WhatDoesItMean.Com. As the head editor Sorcha will continue to bring forward the news of the day in a context that shows the interconnectedness of all the worlds’ peoples. Momentous changes are occurring on almost a daily basis to our world and what is missing the most for true comprehension are the contexts to put them into. Without context news stories are just words, and soon forgotten. Sorcha and many others believe that we are entering a Century of great change, not only for our hearts and minds, but perhaps for our very souls also. Like many others also around the world, and from many countries, Sorcha joins the effort to educate as many as possible towards these events so that they will not become surprised, or be led into despair. We thank you for visiting her new website and encourage your thoughts and opinions on any issue of concern. You may write Sorcha directly by sending your comments to her at: sorchafaal@fastmail.fm

And from another:

In the world of academia, in particular the sciences, the cliche is: Publish or perish. If Sorcha has a doctorate, as her title alludes, where is her thesis? Where are any other works that one would normally expect from a "scholar?" Why is there absolutely no evidence of her existence, prior to and aside from the crap at the Booth site?



December 22, 2004
Unknown Energy Surges Continue to Hit Planet, Global Weather Systems in Chaos
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to the Russian Academy of Sciences




The BasicSaver 72 by SaverKits™
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55