31 May Cheat Proof Your Relationships!

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As a Certified Professional Life Coach, I inspire motivation, confidence, and   I provide my clients with a "Targeted Plan of Action" that leads to a pathway forward to a Balanced Way of Living.

With my Relationship Rebuilding Dynamics-Coaching approach to dealing with issues, I teach my clients innovative strategies, techniques, and I give you the tools to help you make change happen.

One of the biggest challenges I face in my Coaching experience is seeing the level of disrespect and mistreatment between (Some) (1 is too many)  African-American couples. Respect is a two-way street and it's not a deadend cul-de-sac. To get respect we must show respect. Respect for yourselfself will lead to respect for others.

Some of the Brothers need a wake-up call to bring them into the 21st century.

I applaud the Brothers out there that get it...(but many do not)....They need to understand that our Women are not our...Mother, Maid, Door-Mat, Piggy Bank, Punching Bag, or to be used for Target Practice. 

Brothers, we need to allow our Women the Freedom to spread their wings and soar into their Destiny! Enough already with putting an electronic ankle bracelet to track your Woman's where-abouts. Forget about the..."Where You At...Who You with Mess!" If you don't trust each other when you're apart, Re-think why you're in that relationship in the first place. 


 Barry Brooks                                                                                                                                  Certified Professional Life Coach                                                                                     BA / MA Counseling                                                                                                          WCI-ICF coaching certification

Topics I provide coaching on:                                                                                     *Cheat-Proofing                                                                                                                           *Dating *Break-Ups *Long-Distance Romance *Step-Parenting *Addictions *Domestic Violence *Toxic Relationships *Sharing With Me Secrets                  *Stress *Workplace Drama *Bullies                                                                          Coaching sessions are available by Phone, Email, Skype, & Conference  Calls                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

"Put a Professional Life Coach in Your Corner to help you Make It Happen!"






Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55