03 Mar The secret to content marketing success lies in teamwork

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When it comes to content marketing with social media and blogs, there’s no such thing as a one-person team. At least, not if you want to accomplish anything worthwhile. Content marketing is a team sport with a captain, of course, who does the planning and leading, but there are no home runs or touchdowns without the hard work and willing participation of others on the team.

Think about it: what happens if you start a blog with no followers? You’re basically speaking to a void because no one will discover you or read your writing unless they have access to it. You need people to share your blog, follow its RSS feed, and utilize its information in order for it t yield any return on your investment.

The purpose of the marketing team

This is where your team comes in, and it still won’t be effective if you just tell them, “Don’t forget we’ve started a blog now.” They need to know what you want them to do with it. And they’ll probably want input on what kind of blog articles are published, as well. After all, they won’t be motivated to do more than the bare minimum if they don’t agree with the direction you’re taking the blog or they think it’s poorly written or designed.
So here are the keys to creating effective content marketing according to president and editor-in-chief of Grammar Chic, Inc, Amanda Clark. First, “Articulate a vision,” Clark said. “What you need to do is communicate why you’re getting into content marketing; what you hope to accomplish; and how your content marketing will reflect and support the overall goals of the company.”

Communicate your goals

Once your team is on board with your vision, they’ll have a clearer idea of what their role is in the content marketing process. If you give them a timeline of your plans, you’ll also be able to illustrate to them that this isn’t a short-term project which will have a completion date, after which you’ll be moving on. Content marketing is a continuous, long-term project which will never be finished as long as you’re in business. Make sure your team knows that.

If you don’t have a big marketing team yet or are looking to hire more people who share your vision, Clark suggests, “Make a special effort to recruit those who are enthusiastic and supportive of your content marketing ideas; if you have an employee who is really passionate about it, enlist him or her to help in a more direct way.”

The more dedicated your team is to your ideas, the more likely they are to share your content with their friends and family and the more impetus they’ll have in their daily efforts to realize your goals.

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Source: business2community.com/content-marketing/content-marketing-team-sport-01147124

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55